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Frank opened the door to a disheveled-looking Gerard, who looked like he had something he was dying to say. Gerard opened his mouth to speak, but Frank's mom beat him to it.  "You must be Gerard!" she said. "Come in, Frank talks about you all the time." Frank's eyes widened and his face turned an embarrassing shade of red. Gerard smirked at him.

"No I don't!!" he said, stumbling over his words.

"Sure," Gerard said, his face smug. Frank's face burned.

"Okay, we're just going to go up to my room," Frank said hurriedly, grabbing Gerard's wrist to pull him up the stairs. Only once they were in his room did he notice he had Gerard's hand in his own, and he dropped it quickly. Gerard was looking all around Frank's room.

"I love it in here!" His eyes rested on the guitar. "Oh my god, do you play?" He grabbed the guitar, sat on the bed, and began to strum some random chords, testing out the feel.

"Yeah," Frank said, giggling at Gerard's excitement. Gerard's eyes suddenly opened wide and he put the guitar back on its stand.

"Oh my god," he said, drumming his hands on his knees. "So I was up this morning, right? And I walk into my little brother's room... and he's totally making out with this boy!" Frank's jaw dropped and he excitedly hopped on the bed next to Gerard.

"Are you serious?!"

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