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Dear Reader,

Omg this has been a tiring week...

I had my 2nd softball practice Saurday... And Ill give u 10 reasons of how it went bad...

1. I got put outfield.

2. While i was on outfield i was standing in a pile of fireants...

3. While being distracted (because the ant r now biting my ankle) i get hit with a softball in the arm while trying to slap the ants off my ankle..

4. It was humid

5. Im allergic to the grass, i got an allergic reaction to it... (While being attacked by the little devils people called fire-ants & by now my arm hurts)

6. It was my turn to bat... 6outs 3hits and 1hit in the leg... Im horrible...

7. The team had to run ALL the bases 4 times... Then run the WHOLE field lik 3 times. If someone walked be had to do it again... And sadly... We had to do it again...

8. Almost barfed up McDonalds fries my little brother snuck threw the fence. Im WAY out of shape.

9. Almost had an asthma attack because my lungs cant take this much work...

10. My dad hit me with a spoon... What kind of dad slaps there kid in the leg with a SPOON?! Of all things he chose a spoon... (He playfully hit me with a spoon jst so u know)

Wish me luck... I have another softball practice today...😥... Ehhh....

-lizi I.

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