There's a Wulf

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I woke up to a pure white room, I didn't realise my eyes weren't fully open until a blurry figure came into my vision.

"Good you're awake... come with me" a familiar voice said then grabbed my hand and rushed me out of the bed I was in

My head pounded and I was t fully awake yet so I immediately face planted onto the cold floor

"Oh right sorry, here have this" the voice said again, I looked towards it and wiped my eyes, and only then did I notice I was Layla with a small streak of blood going down her nose and eyes
She reached for her pocket and fished out a packet of some goo

"L-Layla wh-what happened to your-" I pointed at her face

"Oh. You have that too, I'll explain when we're safe come on!" She shouted, i quickly grabbed the packet of goo and followed her, she steered me through multiple doorways each one seemingly leading to the same room, with the same bed and padded tiling.

"What's going on!" I shouted as we crashed through one more door, finally allowing us to escape into a different place. This time the walls were painted a horrible shade of green, almost as if it was a children's playhouse

"Ok" she panted "this'll be safe for now"

"SAFE FROM WHAT! WHATS GOING ON!" I snapped, screaming at her and forcing my hand from her grasp

"Whoof, loud fuse, that doesn't really narrow it down" Layla half joked

"What are you talking about. Layla please" I pleaded

"Ok ok, relax... this is going to be a lot, but let me take some shots at you ok... you grew up in a countryside town, once you became a teenager you bounced from place to place with your folks, you find it difficult to concentrate and you've always felt a connection to something specific to do with the world but you didn't know why" she said all in one breath

"How did you-" she cut me off

"Oh and you're adopted"

"HA! I wasn't adopted thank you very much" I cheered in victory although I was still creeped out by how accurate she was, everything other than the last part was spot on. She quickly grabbed me however and pulled me close to her, I felt my face heat up and my heart began pounding faster. She created a tear in my shirt so my chest was bare
"HEY! What do you think you're doing" I shouted but she simply pointed to a scar that was on my left pec

"Adopted" she nodded her head

"Hate to break it to you, but that's not how it works, I've always had that scar" I smiled as if I had came out victorious, but instead she lifted up her shirt just slightly so I could see her stomach and sure enough towards her left side was a scar exactly like mine

"Wha- how?" I exasperated

"It's the mark of the gods, divine parentage. All that shmuck" Layla passed off as if it was just normal news like 'hey your father is a god and your mother is a holy queen'

"WHAT!" I screamed once again

This time she ducked down and put her finger to her lips, and she grabbed me down so I was crouching just behind her

"Hey! No I deserve answ-" I was cut off when the door opened and man dressed as a nurse walked by, he didn't seem to notice us but he WAS focusing on the bed he was picking along.

Inside the bed was a ginger guy, he looked around the same age as Layla and I but that could just be a guess, his nose abs ears had been bleeding aswell, something we all had in common and I didn't quite like why. Once the man moved to the white room Layla turned to me "we have to get him out"

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