chapter 6

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Hatter's pov

seconds ,minutes, hours passed since i heard her, terror was running through my veins but yet i seemed to stand still... i was convincing myself that wasn't my LuLu....

it wasn't

It can't be

looking down at the blood stained helmet that she once wore that was now resting in my hands, it was like the world hit me with realisation that she was gone...

"there is no use Mr.Hightopp she is gone, there is no body to be found" one of the knights uttered to me removing his helmet, how dare he..How bloody dare he! my eyes were wide with rage, then the piece of filth turned to me "My condolences for your loss"

Taking in a breath that filled my lungs my body loosened and my brows relaxed i stood tall almost towering over the man, i stared at him with a blank expression "Maybe if you had let me go i would have been there in time" i seethed towards the man

"perhaps it should have been you" my eyes darted to those infront of me, he stepped back almost tripping over himself. i marched towards him "Did you even care?..." my strides did not falter my head snapped to those who were watching the scene before them "Did any of you care?!"   

My attention was brought back to the boy that was infront of me, he fell backwards pushing himself against a rock "None of you gave a dam about her when she was in that battle! NO, you just wanted to save your own skin!" venom was dripping with every.single.word.

How dare they stand round acting as if there innocent-

"Tarrant...please calm down, no one was expecting this. if anything were all heart broken" someone from the crowd called out, looking towards the source i saw that it was Mirana

i clenched my teeth and my fists tightened. looking down at the helmet still in my hand all i could feel was a throbbing pain in my chest "I never got to tell her i love her" i croaked out to no one in particular.

Days passed and i refused to speak to anyone, i didn't make contact with anyone. why is it that people i care always end up hating me or worse... am i cursed?

My mother

my father

The Red Queen

and now....My Love...

God, why can't I have anyone? I could only wish to hold her now, to make her smile, to dance with her....what I would to do for one more dance with her just one last time...

Can I not get another chance? another dance?

if so i would play a song that would never end

A tear slipped from my pale cheek falling onto the photo that I held. It was the same photo with me and her laughing underneath the willow tree, her smile contagious as a younger version of  me looked down at her with a mischievous grin  as the tear slipped down the photo it left a watermark that stained the heartfelt memoire that was captured and to be forever kept.

Hearing a knock at my door i groaned in annoyance, not wanting any visitors or anyone in fact.

"Go Away! i don't want you here!" I bellowed clearly, irritation lacing my voice, who ever the person was at the door didn't get the hint and kept knocking

Groaning i got up and gently placed the photo down on my bed, wiping my cheeks for any tears that were still present on my face, striding over to the door my hand inches away from the door knob, throwing it open only  to stand frozen in my place...

What where they doing here?!

Authors note: Hey my darlings this chapter is really shot, but theres a reason. at the moment Wattpad wont save any of my previous work and any time i come out of it it deletes everything, so apologies that this chapter is short. it's quite irritating  when it keeps on deleting it. but ill try and fix it! Love you all my sweets!!!

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