Chapter 4

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"Why did you leave her?"

          "it was a massive mistake"

"would you have changed it?"

"Absolutely, i would have ran back to her"


I heard the Odd man above me give out a breathy laugh hugging me tighter afraid that i would vanish before his eyes and never to be seen again. i suppose i don't blame him, we were so close as children you would never see one of us without the other.

There was always one memory that i held dear to me, walking around the Palace grounds with the blossom trees just in bloom and the most gorgeous of colours to be spread over a field of flowers. Me and Tarrant would always have tea parties there just under the Blossom tree not far from my mothers gaze, but when she wasn't looking we would always run and hide just to spend more time together, falling asleep under the willow tree that drooped and danced in the gentle breeze never getting bored of the others company, we used to lay there in the comfortable silence just looking up at the dripping butter butterflies dancing around our head and the sweet melody that the birds sing for us.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the grip got tighter around my petite body.

"Futterwacken, i can't breathe-"

"Oh goodness, LuLu sorry i just missed you is all, i mean i haven't seen you in ages i just-"     

"Tarrant, calm its fine" i smiled and looked up at my favourite pair of emerald eyes, he took my hand and we walked to the willow tree that we used to hide at when we were kids, its a shame we can't be kids again no worries or cares in the world. i wonder if he still thinks about our memory's?

i could hear a soft melodic music being played from the village that wasn't to far from the  willow tree that me and him stood at, a smile played upon my lips and he must of noticed gesturing his hand out toward me and taking a slight bow his cheeks a dusting a light shade of pink...

"M-May i have this dance"he strutted, afraid of what i might say.

i looked at his hand for a moment, i looked into those glimmering green eyes that always seemed to know, his heart swelled at the beautiful sight in-front of him not noticing that i took his hand, i yelped in surprise that he gently swung me round in a close embrace, finding the slow rhythm that the music hummed, his heart pounding as he sends me a joyful grin, allowing me to see the gap in his teeth when he smiled...when we danced it felt like we where kids again  no problems, insecurities or responsibilities, it all just seemed to drain away, living with the last minutes of freedom knowing that we might not get to see each other again.

after what felt for an eternity we finally broke away from each other only to see his vibrant eyes still glued to my armour with a small frown pulling on his eyebrows his smile faltering.

"what is it Tarrant?" i breathed out worried about him

"why?...why did you Join them Lu?" he uttered under his breath almost as if he's been hurt

"The Guard's?" i questioned

"Yes, LuLu you could seriously get hurt or even worse be killed" his voice broke at the last sentence.

i embraced him in a warm hug trying to comfort him "I would never leave you Hightopp, You listening?" all i got was a nod on my shoulder.

i heard the clock strike 3, The CORONATION! "Tarrant we have to go or we'll be late!" i grabbed Tarrant's hand dashing towards the castle that wasn't really far from us. all that could be heard was Tarrant Laughing behind me, he wasn't laughing at nothing in particular

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