Interlude: Make An Enemy

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If meeting the Lady of Birth marked the inception of his new life, encountering the Lady of Fate bestowed meaning upon it. Having obliterated everyone who bore the Severan name, he found himself with no family to return to, rendering the twenty years of his mortal existence seemingly a futile expenditure of blood, sweat, and tears.

Centuries ago, on a cold winter evening, Lady Nova, the Lady of Birth, declared that it was time for him to meet Lady Fate. After nursing him back to health and strength, she deemed it necessary for him to undergo rigorous transformation of the arduous process of becoming immortal. Severan, still young and bold, willingly consented, harbouring no affinity for mortality or the follies of mortal life.

Raised in The Great Severan: the Raven Clan, whose veins pulsed with magic like all the seven other, Dev was already aware of the existence of the Three Forces. However, it wasn't until he encountered Lady Birth, and later the former Lord of Death that he realised the importance of approaching Lady Fate with caution. 

Despite her portrayal as an antagonist, Lady Fate was, in essence, not malevolent, as Devereaux discovered centuries later. She possessed kindness, gentleness, and an understanding nature, displaying a certain degree of genius in her dealings. Although her line of work often cast her as the orchestrator of harsh destinies, Devereaux questioned whether her enjoyment of it truly made her the villain.

Turning a mortal into an immortal was no mere gimmick; it was a complex process that demanded dedication and endurance. The process of transcending mortality was as challenging as being reborn, maintaining perfect vitality, and preserving his soul within his eighteen-year-old body. Although young and bold, Severan willingly gave his consent, eager to shed his mortal limitations. 

For five long years, Severan navigated the stages of transformation much like a chrysalis undergoing the intricate metamorphosis that would ultimately unveil a resplendent butterfly. Within the cocoon of time, the very core of his existence underwent a profound and irreversible change. Throughout this transformative journey, Severan faced trials and challenges that tested the limits of his resilience and strength. With every stage completed, he emerged from the crucible of change, not only transformed but imbued with newfound power and vitality.

The once-raven sovereign emerged a thousand times stronger and more powerful. Just, in hindsight though, he was now in debt—indebted to the mysterious forces that had shaped his immortal existence; the 'Ten Thousand Assignments', as Lady Moira preferred to name it.


The first ever assignment came in a gilded envelope carried by a creature akin to a hound covered in snow like ivory fur and a pair of bat wings. It was his first time seeing such a creature but it did not stop him from befriending that thing. After a chit chat with it he had soonly realised the name was Rogue and his kin had been messengers across realms for generations.

His first assignment had been quite simple. He was tasked to Harvest the Echoes of Forgotten Memories. Lady Moira had entrusted Severan with the responsibility of collecting the lingering echoes of memories forgotten by mortals, a task that requires delicate extraction without disrupting the natural order. Exactly a century and a half from reaching mortality he was back at the immortal realm fulfilling his task. It did not take him more than ten full moons for completion.

Not longer than that he got his second assignment. A one that tested his patience and required so much attention that almost made him exhausted. He was tasked as Guardian of the Enchanted Timepiece and was to protect an enchanted sand-dial that controlled the flow of time in the Sahel region. It had also been the birthplace of his messenger buddy, Rogue. Severan had spent over two decades at Sahel, an ivory coated beast with wings tailing him like a lapdog, till the threat was finally gone preventing any tampering or misuse that could lead to catastrophic temporal consequences.

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