『 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘆 』

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"Lieutenant General Kureto? May I come in?"

You knocked on the door as you walked back till Aoi opened it. "He's been expecting you." She says, before returning to the dark room, which you entered without hesitation.

The notion was all too familiar when you were about to turn fifteen and Kureto ordered you here for a betrayal test, but since you were a dutiful weapon to Guren, he's placed his reliance on you as well.

You have no idea why you were back here at this point. You came to a standstill in your stride as you locked your attention on Kureto before moving your gaze across the room. "My, does this take you back?"

"Sir, if you don't mind my rudeness, could you just make it quick? Guren had assigned me certain orders before I got here for the Moon Demon Company's new directives." You held your hands behind your back and stood tall.

"Hmph. To the army, you are nothing more than a tool; you demonstrate potential and devotion while working as a killing machine for us. You sent ten vampires to us for testing on how to turn a vampire into a Cursed Weapon." As the lights came on, he snapped his fingers.

You didn't flinch as he abruptly drew his blade near to your neck, disregarding the weapon's voltage. "As one of Guren Ichinose's subordinates, you remained loyal to him as he cared for you alongside Yuichiro Hyakuya, another Black Demon Series Bearer. I'm curious, as someone who's clinging to him like a dog, how he found you and Yuichiro Hyakuya. How did he manage to assemble three Black Demon Bearers into a single team in such a short period?"

You closed your eyes and sighed as you looked over at the blade held closely to your neck. "Sir, you've already asked Lieutenant Colonel this question, and he's informed me he won't give you any further information. Despite being close to the Lieutenant, I, too, have no idea how he acquired it, despite overseeing their class."

"How do I know your words are full of nothing but honesty?"

"I have been nothing but sincere, you will never face a betrayal from me, have you ever seen a deeply committed servant forsake you, sir?" you clasped your fists tightly as you peered at him with hollow eyes.

You looked at Aoi before returning your gaze to Kureto, who smirked with relish, "Hmm. It appears that I was mistaken in my judgment of you; you are really Guren's subordinate."

He leans on the nicely polished desk, drawing his blade back as he turned his heel. "Final question." You are now becoming impatient with the questions being thrown at you, so you nodded your head nonetheless.

"You have my attention, sir."
"You, as the remaining heir of the Ichibangase Clan, are aware of your parents' revolt against the Hiiragi family, which resulted in the family's demise as a serving family. What were your comments on our proposal to our families?"

Seishiro enters the room unannounced, and you take a step back with a perplexed expression on your face.

"Sir, I'm not sure what you're talking about; all of my parents' properties and endowments now belong to me. This is the first I've heard of the Hiiragi's sending an official prospect to the Ichibangase Clan. As you claimed, I am the only associate of the family that is still standing in the name; what do you propose? ..."

Kureto looks to Aoi as she nods and hands him a document, which he quickly checks through to approaching you and presenting it to you. You looked over the paper with trepidation before accepting it. "Read the contents of this file; it may serve to refresh your memory."

Your eyes widened in surprise as you opened the file. "...M-Marriage at seven years old...to Seishiro Hiiragi." Your breath hitched in your throat as you clamped your hold on your neck. "Now, does it refresh your mind?"

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