01; Game Set Match! - Xavier Harrison

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Gif - Xavier. (Portrayed by Brant Daugherty- temporary).

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[A/N] Sorry it took so long! I had A LOT of work and hit a lot of brick walls on this piece... And I may or may not have lost all of the one I wrote before.

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[Xavier Harrison]

The big day of the match was here and the last point, I had to win to make my father, Neil proud. It may be a difficult aim to achieve but I had big dreams and that was one of them especially as I wasn't doing so well in Maths.

Neil being the headmaster knew every time I got into trouble and every failure in class. My father was the headmaster every school wanted and every student feared. He has his moments, possibly 3 times a year. Neil was also a workaholic, getting him away from his computer is next to impossible. No wonder he's already balding at forty-three, his life would be incredibly stressful for anyone else.

Getting my head back into the game I throw the ball up into the air and hit it with the force and finesse of a topspin. That shot was usually guaranteed an ace because the opponent is unable to hit back. Watching it soar over the net and bounce into the box still flying powerfully away from the receiver. I smirk as my opponent runs and tries to hit it back. He misses badly and wobbles, soon after falling on his butt. Laughing I throw my arms up in the air to the imaginary crowd of cheering fans. Although I do have 1 fan who's clapping quite eagerly. Jamie.

Heading over to shake his hand for a good match, with him rubbing his butt and wincing. He holds out the hand he was just rubbing his butt with. "Ewww no. Good match man!" I hold out my racket for him to shake instead.

"Good match guys. Xavier you're in great shape as usual now, Max..." The coach trailed off and dragged Max away, probably to explain how he could improve. Don't get me wrong, Max was an excellent player, but not as good as me. He could do with some help.

Looking around I see that neither my father or my best mate came to watch me play even though I had invited them. Well it's not the first time they had missed my tennis match. Although this was the most important one for me, as it was the end of the tennis season. I won't be upset about this! I will have to talk with both of them about this later though. At least Jamie came to watch again or 'draw''. What does he even draw? His pencil is literally on fire when he's focused.

He was a pretty decent kid; his smile always lit up the room and you just couldn't help but smile back. I sauntered over to him and saw him look up at me with big, green eyes. He kind of resembled a frightened puppy. I'm not scary, am I? I mean, of course I could be when I want to be but Jamie shouldn't be afraid of me, I'm not going to taunt him or whatever when he's done absolutely nothing to provoke me.

"How do you think I did?" I asked raspily as I took a gulp of water from the fountain near the stalls. I know I did great but it was always nice hearing it from someone else. It never hurt to add to one's enormously sized ego.

He took a moment to gather up his thoughts before he spoke a little more confidently than I thought he would. "You did brilliantly, although your back swing could use some work." What did he just say? Excuse you but my back swing is the greatest. He smirked. Oh you evil boy. I splash him with the cold water, making him shiver even though it's sunny and hot today. "That's what you get for being cheeky!" Making him laugh just as much as I am.

"Hey Xavier. You wanna go to lunch now dude?" Carl, my best mate says, looking at me as if I've lost my mind. Carl always seemed to get weird around Jamie, it was probably because he's gay and the others are afraid of something about him. Not really sure what, it's not like being gay is a disease and everyone gay is going to die painfully and young. Being gay used to mean being happy so if your going to catch anything it's happiness. Like Jamie being a little bundle of rainbows and joy.

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