00; prologue - Jamie Peters

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[Jamie Peters]

My journey from room 401 to 357 was not that eventful, apart from getting the usual shove into some random person's locker. They like to do that sometimes, those jocks. I wasn't hard to guess that it was because of my sexuality. Those jocks all think that I want to jump them all at any given moment which is totally untrue, well, mostly untrue.

My eyes landed upon Xavier Harrison, the school's dreamy eyed, brown haired popular. He was always my knight in shining armour, he'd never let the jocks beat me up or anything, he was like the peacemaker of his crew. I just loved seeing his arse swaying as he walked down the coriddor in the orange and red letterman jacket that hugged his body, his very huge body, might I add.

His abs were to die for, you know, sometimes he walked down the coridoors shirtless but that's only afterschool on Thursday, after he's done with tennis. I like to think he does it purposely, just to play with me, to tease me, to send me melting into a pool on the floor, but it's too good to be true because he was straighter than a pole and he'd never try and interact with a freak like me.

I opened the door to room 401, as usual, I was early. I was only late when one of the jocks spoke to me, which is rare. I like to think that they don't like talking to me because my comebacks are way too powerful for them that they chicken out of talking to me.

Or maybe it was because they wouldn't want to talk to a raging homosexual, they might think it's like catching the flu. Those jocks were stupid.

Or maybe it because they always got pissed off at me because I always remained cheery in front of them. Why should I let my guard down only to make them happy? It would really only make me feel more screwed up that I already am and it'll give them the satisfaction they didn't deseve. Well, I say no. I say to let them burn and die like the evil warlocks they are.

The rest of the class all barged into the room like animals all pouncing on one prey and took their seats. Robyn and Trevor joined me soon after and plopped down on the opposite side of the table. Room 357 was set out like a primary school classroom, the tables all sat four people and in the middle was a pot of stationary. The only real difference was that the chairs weren't mini.

Robyn gracefully put her bag down and pulled out her chair before straightening her skirt and sitting down on it. Trevor on the other hand, munched on a bagel and violently pulled his chair out, literally, if he pulled it with an even more stronger force than he did, it would've fallen on the floor. It was like he was on his constant man period and he did everything so angrily. Funny.

Trevor was not an angry person, I mean, he could be. Believe me, I have seen his wrath before but it was my fault because I triggered it. It was when I threw his rucksack out of my bedroom window as a joke and he shouted at me because there are fragile things in there, even though there wasn't. What could be so fragile in a school rucksack?

Robyn was like my alter ego, she was a peaceful creature and liked to nest in the principles office. She's there a lot but not because of her behaviour, it was because she was the head girl. Everyone knew about her and they all respected her the same way they respected the principal.

Mr Holland, our principal, was probably the most meanest principle in the entire history of principles at Valeside College. He literally brought tears to people's eyes.. maybe that's an exaggeration, maybe it isn't. I once heard a rumour that he fired everybody's favourite Maths teacher, Mrs. Price, just because she was liked by basically everyone. Mr Holland argued that it was because she was 'too tolerable' which is complete and utter bull, she was reasonable.

Parent's evening were always fun because she would never utter a word about bad behaviour, well, that is of course unless you're the one student in the class that everyone hates the guts of.

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