Threesome part 2

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Wanda Maximoff X Female reader X Natasha Romanoff

Warnings:smut, threesome, oral sex, stomach grinding, thigh riding

Word count:1758

Y/n pov

"WHAT" Wanda and I screamed at her. How can Nat possibly think a threesome will solve our problems. "I'm sorry but why would a threesome help us" Wanda asked bewildered.

"A threesome" Natasha repeated like we didn't hear her. "Ugh, come on guys. Wanda, you say that vision doesn't sexually satisfy you, and y/n you're just really horny." well I mean she's not wrong. I haven't had good sex since me and Wanda broke up.

"But why a threesome, why not just y/n's and me." Wanda says confused whilst pointing between all three of us.

" Well come on yall aren't the only ones that haven't had good sex in a while... I mean the best sex I've ever had was with myself." Nat explains throwing her hands in the air. Wanda and I stared blankly at Nat and her... reason. "also I kinda have a crush on both of yall." Nat adds.

"Um..ok" Wanda says and turns to me. "What?" I ask. I gotta be honest I'm down for a threesome well because like Nat said, I'm horny. And I want to share that intimacy with Wanda again, and I guess Nat would be fine because she is kinda hot. Oh, who am I kidding she is fucking gorgeous.

"Y/N" Wanda shouts getting my attention. "what?" I say confused. "how do you feel about this?" Wanda repeated her question. "Uhm... I mean I'm fine with it." I shrug my shoulders and turn to Nat.

"Wanda is it ok if I join?" Nat asks Wanda. "I mean yeah. if you haven't had good pleasure in a while I would like to help you with that" Wanda smirks at Nat.

I don't know if it was only me but I felt that this situation... or whatever it is, it's kinda awkward. I can't help but find it weird standing in the kitchen fully clothed talking about sex and getting each other approval for a threesome. NOT that I don't have a problem with it it's just, odd.

"Soooo what do we do now?" I ask through the silence. Wanda turns to me and takes a couple of steps toward me. She places her hand on my neck looking deep into my eyes.

Wanda's pov

I place my hand on y/n's neck and look deep into her eyes. It's been a while since we have both slept with each other. I gotta admit, I miss it. I miss her and the way she would make me feel.

I grip the side of her neck and pull her face closer to mine, our noses touch when my lips connect with hers. Our lips move with passion and love like she missed my touch just as much as I missed hers. "fuck" I hear Natasha whisper as she watches me and y/n make out in front of her. I pull away from the lack of air and turn to face Nat 

"Umm, that was... kinda hot" Natasha breathed out. Y/n starting giggling which ends up making us all laugh. Y/n slowly walked over to Nat and cupped her cheeks with her hands pulling her head closer to her own and kissing deeply. I just stand and watch biting my lip as my desire for both of them rises.

Natasha's Pov

I can't believe this is finally happening, kissing the person I wanted for so long. I gotta admit I'm really only doing this because of Y/n but It's even better that Wanda is joining. More the merrier am I right.

We both pull away for air and stare at each other with smiles on our faces. Wanda comes up behind Y/n and grabs her face pulling her into a kiss. I admire as two of my favorite people attacking each others mouth. The sound of their wet lips smacking together,
Y/n let's go of my hip and grabs both of our hands leading us to her bedroom.

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