Threesome part 1

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Wanda Maximoff X Female reader X Natasha Romanoff

Warnings: smut, language, a bit of sex talk

word count: 1330

Y/n Pov

It was a normal boring day in the compound. All the Avengers are on a mission fighting some alien, and they left me here thinking I would get all riled up again like last time when I almost blew up the whole city.

Well almost everyone is gone, Nat and Wanda are here... but we aren't talking that much to each other. Natasha is mad at me because last weekend when I was drunk I called her "ta tash" and her being short-tempered got pissed and proceed to ignore me for some reason. Like it wasn't even bad or something she should get pissed about but... well she did. 

And Wanda on the other hand is a whole nother story. See here is the thing we used to date, and recently we broke up because we would always argue with each other. One reason was that I suspected that Vision had this big fat crush on her and I ended up finding out because I heard him moaning Wanda's name in his bedroom. And so I told her that vison does in fact have a crush on her, but she ended up getting mad at me because I was invading his personal privacy. And so we broke up, and she left me for a fucking robot.

So I made sure to keep my distance from Wanda. I'm currently in the living room watching whatever came on that seemed interesting enough to help with my boredum. After some time my stomach starts to growl so I get up and head to the kitchen right next to the living room. whilst looking through the fridge for something I can make quickly, I hear a bedroom door open and footsteps approaching the kitchen. I think nothing of it just assuming it's Natasha.

After rummaging through the fridge I find a fruit cup. I close the fried door and see a small women figure in the corner of my eye. Immediately recognizing the figure I turn my head and lock eyes with my ex Wanda.

What felt like days was only mere seconds our eyes stayed locked. I cleared my throat to grab her attention and she snapped out of her trans and gulped. I walked away from the weird interaction and set my fruit cup on the counter.

Wanda followed in my footsteps and set her bowl in the sink right next to me. I grabbed and spoon from the drawer whilst she washed her dirty dish. The awkward silence grew, I could feel she wanted to say something to me, I also wanted to talk to her because we haven't spoken a word to each other since the breakup.

"How have you been?" Wanda finally spoke up. I was surprised that she actually decided to say something to me. I gotta admit I miss the sound of her voice, it always calmed me down and made me feel relaxed. Realizing I haven't said anything I respond "Good" I didn't know what else to say to her.

"Uhm what about you, how's going with Vision?" I regretted adding the last part but my curiosity got the best of me. I just wanted to know if he was treating her right as she should. "Uh, it's ok" She seemed taken aback by my question knowing that it's obvious to her that I'm not a fan of her new boyfriend.

"Why do you want to know?" Wanda said. I didn't know what to say without getting upset. "am I not allowed to know?" I replied back with a little more aggression than I should have. "No, it's just that... I thought you hated vison?" she replied "hate is a very strong word, more of mildly dislike" I replied very sarcastically. I can tell she got upset by my reply, I smirked her way and opened my fruit cup, and mixed it with my spoon.

"Why do you always have to be an asshole!" Wanda said raising her voice. "how am I being an asshole? I said mildly dislike" I said taking a bite of my yogurt. "That's not what I mean. GOD this is exactly why we broke up. You always have to be so FUCKING sarcastic!" Wanda yelled grabbing the side of the sink. 

" I bet you miss it," I said smirking and taking another bite. "miss what" Wanda turned her head confused. My smirk grew. "Ugh, you are so disgusting!" She rolled her eyes running her hands through her hair. 

"come on you can't tell me a robot can satisfy you more than I can" I said, I was practically laughing on the inside. I don't know why but I find this so funny. Wanda flashed me an annoyed look and scoffed. Wanda huffed out a breath and looked back up at me " what if I did say I missed the sex, would your ego grow or what?" Wanda stepped closer to me. I gulped, not expecting her to say that.

"It depends do you, do you miss me fucking the shit out of you?" I said putting my yogurt down and stalking closer to her with a mischievous smirk on my face. Towering over her reminds me of how she would submit to me like my own little play toy.

I can tell she's getting aroused from my comment. Just as I was about to say something I get interrupted. " hey what's going on here?" Natasha shouts emerging from the hallway. Guessing she overheard us talking/arguing. "Nothing, stay out of it" Wanda said while remaining eye contact and walking away after her rude reply. "Jesus, what's up your ass" Natasha said, yup she's definitely not gonna stay out of it.

"Y/n's just being an asshole like always" Wanda said aggressively pointing her finger at me. I grabbed my yogurt off the counter and took a spoonful and raised my eyebrows towards Natasha.

"Wait didn't yall break up like a couple of weeks ago?" Nat says crossing her arms and walking into the kitchen. "We did, but y/n is being fucking gross" Wanda says, her frustration growing. "What did she say" Nat asks like I'm not standing next to her. "She brought up our sex life asking if I miss it" Wanda says. Nat and Wanda both look my way. I just shrug and finish my cup and throw it in the trash. "well do you" Natasha asks quietly. 

Wanda and I both look her way confused that she would ask that. "Oh my god, now why do you want to know?" Wanda says getting aggravated that the topic won't be forgotten. "you can't blame me he's a robot, wouldn't you prefer Y/n's I mean she even looks like she fucking amazing in the bedroom." Natasha complements me, I thank her for it and smirk her way. "you know what, yes I do miss it! I miss the way you would fuck me till the morning, giving me orgasms after or orgasms until I couldn't feel my fucking legs. and that's something you have that vision can't give me" Wanda says slowly walking closer and closer to me whispering the last part in my ear. 

"oh ok, um" Natash huffs out feeling awkward that she's in the middle of it. Wanda and I are centimeters apart I can feel her breath on my lips. I so desperately want to close the space between us but I can,t knowing that Ta tash is right beside us. 

"Wait I think I know a way yall can fix both yall's problems." Natasha says looking at us both with a mischievous smirk on her face.


Hey yall, I'm sooo sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I wanted to post because I was sick and bored so why not post something. Also, this is part 1 and I'm hoping that part 2 (which will have smut) will be out today. but right now I need a break and a nap:) 

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