The wise choice

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Kel and her have agreed to meet on Friday night, she was going to spend the weekend with him. She told Jason that she was spending the weekend at her sister's place, Jason wasn't pleased with the idea because that means he had to go home again. They had a fight about it but Mariah wasn't backing down on her decision.

The week didn't move as fast as Mariah had wanted, but she was grateful it was Friday already. She and Jason had a fight that morning before she left for work, he wasn't happy about her spending the weekend at her sister's place. Mariah was strong headed. She packed her clothes for the weekend away, she didn't want to go home after work and meet Jason and his nagging. After work she called Jason on the phone to inform him that she was done with work and was on her way to May's place. This caused another round of fighting between them.

"Mariah, if you don't come back home today, that will be the end of this relationship", Jason threatened over the phone.
"You're joking?", Mariah replied.
"I'm very serious, it's either me or your sister, make a wise choice", he warned.
"Are you crazy, asking me to choose between our relationship and my family?.
"Not your family, choose between spending the night here with me or with your sister, who by the way hates you?".
"I didn't tell you that". Mariah said weakly.
"You don't have to, she framed you for theft, when will you admit that she hates you, when she murders you?".
" thanks for the reminder, Jason".
"So you are coming home right?"Jason asked, thinking that the reminder would sway her decision.
"No, Jason, see you on Sunday'', Mariah said, hanging up.
"Morherfucker". She muttered.

She stopped a cab and headed towards Kel's apartment.
"Tonight, I'm going to have fun". She muttered, smiling.

When she got to Kel's apartment, he was outside waiting for her.
"Such a gentleman" she thought. He welcomed her with a kiss, took her handbag and ushered her in.

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