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"will be back in three hours,"she informed her sister after hanging up the phone.
"Where to?"'May asked.
"Just sightseeing with Kel ''.
" Right now?".
"Yea, he's waiting outside right now", she replied, leaving the room.

"Marry, come watch Vamparina with me", her niece beckoned on her.
"Next time Koko, I'm leaving"
"You are going home already?"Koko asked, disappointed.
"Nay Koko, I will be back soon okay?,".
"Okay, bye.

Mariah picked her bag from the living room where she dropped it after giving Koko her gifts. She took it to her niece's room, where she will be sleeping . She changed her outfit and went to meet Kel.

Mariah and Kel have been best friends for over two years, they meet through a mutual friend Daniel who is currently Kel's roommate. Kel has been Mariah confident and shoulder to lean on since they became friends. She tells him all her plans and problems, whenever Mariah calls for his attention, he is always there for her. Most of their friends are convinced that Kel and Mariah are having sex, but they are only friends.

" Hi, hi hi, she said holding his hands"
"What's up babe, you took your time", Kel said smiling.
"Yea, I had to change my outfit" she replied.
"Let's go, '' he said, ''your outfit looks nice".
"Thank you," she said smiling. "Where are we going?".
"My place, or do you have somewhere else in mind?".
"Nay, let's go".

Kel made jollof rice when they got to his apartment, which he served with two bottles of soda. They ate the food amidst discussion.

" you know when you told me you got a job as a teacher, i found it hilarious". Mariah snorted with laughter.
"Laugh all you want, but I'm a good teacher". He said, with a mouthful of food.
"So how are the students, nasty right?".
"They are actually nice, but the girls are a bit naughty, "I try my best to avoid them".
"It's actually normal for girls to have crushes on their male teachers, especially a cute one", Mariah said laughing.
"How many teachers did you have crushes on when you were in school?", Kel asked, taking the empty dishes to the kitchen to wash.
"None actually, she yelled so Kel would hear her from the kitchen. "I'm not big on crushes.

"So how is work?'' Kel asked, sitting down on the couch next to her.
"Work is stressful, I plan to resign next month" she said, flatly.
"I'm moving out, so I need a much closer job".
"Okay, that's good.

Mariah's phone rang and she picked it up to talk to the caller.

"Hey babes"!
"Yea, I got there hours ago" she said into the phone.
"I planned to call tonight".
"Babe, let's talk later please okay, bye.
She hung up the phone and signed in resignation.

"What's that attitude for?", Kel asked grinning.
"I'm just exhausted from everything".
"Exhausted from what?".
"Everything, work, Jason, just everything" she said.
"Is everything okay with you and Jason?", he asked.
"Don't really know the answers to that, I love him, but I think I'm getting tired with this whole relationship thing".
"Talk to me, what's happening?.
"I really don't know where to start, complaining from?.
"start from somewhere" he said, sipping his drink.
" Everything is just going bad, I'm tired".
"Okayyyyy?, go on", he urged her.
" I think everything went bad two months ago when he won a hundred and ten thousand naira in a football bet"?.
"That's good news", Kel said, doing a shoulder dance.
"Right?, o thought so too, would you believe me if I told you that he only gave me three thousand naira from that money to make food, and that was all I saw from that money".
"Just that?", Kel asked in shock.
" yea, to make dinner, he did not clear one single bill, nor did he save, he spent the whole damn thing".
"Don't conclude yet, maybe he invested the money," Kel said.
"Oh yeah he invested the money, he bought himself a phone, got a solo ticket for the Easter comedy night and he gambled the rest of the money".
"This is really hard to believe".
"Yeah, very hard to believe, who leaves his girlfriend at home and goes to a comedy show with his friends?".
"Ermmmmmm, Jasonnn?", Kel stuttered.
"When he won the bet, I was so happy, because he stopped asking me for money, I was able to save up, but that's not even the annoying part".
"So what's the annoying part?", he asked.
"When the money came, he became distant, started eating out, he even went home more often than he has done since he started living with me, he hates staying at his parent's house", she said angrily.
"And our sex life", she cut her self off.
"What happened to it",
"It's boring as hell,
"Mariah!You've never been to hell, '' Kel said laughing .
"I'm serious Kel, I have been in a relationship for three years and all we do is recycle"
"Errrm, I don't get you," Kel said, squinting.
"We make out, he kisses me, bites my nipples, I'm freaking sore by the way, while I give him a bj. I sometimes eat his ass because he likes the feeling,
" I had to stop since he refuses to give me a head".
"Why though".
"He claims it's unhealthy to eat pussy, because the stomach also excretes through the pussy, so eating pussy means eating the stomach excretion, can you believe that?".
"Nope", '' Kel said laughing.
"One day I asked him, if he isn't scared that I'm eating unhealthy pussy, each time he pulls out and gives me his dick to suck?,guess his reply". Mariah asked Kel, frowning.
"Noooo, tell me".
"he said and I quote "the pussy is yours whatever you suck from my dick came out from your body and it goes right back into your body"
"That's a lie"
"Didn't miss a word, '' she said, gulping her soda. "I hear of women having orgasms, and I have never had an orgasm in my life, I haven't even squirted.
" Maybe you should talk to him, '' Kel advised.
"You think I haven't?". I'm enduring the financial burdens, but I don't know how long I can handle the sexual burdens , I'm reaching my breaking limit. She said, crossing her legs and dropping the can of soda.
"Want more?", Kel asked, pointing at the soda can.
"Nay, I need to go home, I told May, I wouldn't stay long but it's been over four hours already.
"Okay, let me quickly change, so I can walk you to the bus stop", he said, walking towards the bedroom to change.

"Will you be free tomorrow?", he asked her while walking her to the door.
"Not sure, tomorrow is the eve of the party, I'm pretty sure I will have lots of errands to run".
"Fridays are shorter for you right?", she asked him.
"Yes, school closes by 2:00 pm on Fridays". He replied, locking the door.
"I will call you if my evening is free, if not we will see at the party?".
"Okay, whatever you decide", he said, holding her hands and walking her to the bus stop.

"Who?" May asked, walking towards the entrance door to know who was ringing the doorbell.
"May open up, it's me", Mariah answered from outside.
"Is this your two hours?" May asked, unlocking the door.
"So sorry, I lost track of time". Mariah apologized, entering the living room.
"Marry, you're back" Koko said, running into her waiting arms.
"Yes Koko, how are you?" She asked.
"I'm fine, come and eat with me, she said, pulling her Aunt's hand towards the table where her food was.
"Thanks Koko, but I'm not hungry", Mariah said sitting down on the dining table. "Where's your daddy?'' she asked Koko, looking around the apartment.
"He's not back yet," Koko answered, spooning cereal into her mouth.
"I'm going to bed, please ensure Koko brushes her teeth before going to bed", May said yarning.
"I will, goodnight", Mariah replied.
"Goodnight, May replied.

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