There was an awkward silence apart from our footsteps as we entered the heart of the city.

Coco: That's....rough. I'm sorry to hear it. If you ever need to talk to us about it, we're always here. We're a team now.

Velvet: She's right.

Yatsuhashi, who'd been silent throughout the conversation, nodded in agreement.

Y/n: Thanks. I appreciate that. But for now, let's just enjoy the city. It's why we're here, right? 

Fox: Right you are. And since you're new to Vale, we have to give you an official tour. And by we, I mean these three, because I have no idea what any of these buildings are.

Y/n: I forgot that you're blind. 

Coco: It's pretty easy to forget.

Fox: How do you forget that I'm blind?

He proceeded to sidestep a pedestrian that almost bumped into him, then caught an apple falling from a nearby fruit cart. Then I realized that he was walking in front of the group instead of relying on us to guide him.

Y/n: Hmmm...maybe it's because you react to things that everyone else can't see? 

Fox: Okay touché.

Coco: Vale's a pretty big place, much like Mistral, but much more industrial. Tall buildings and dense cities as opposed to rural villages and trading towns. Unofficially known as the Kingdom of Communication. Vale is where a lot of manufacturing takes place, making it a prime spot for other nations to gather and trade amongst others. It's also responsible for almost all wireless communication due to Beacon Tower. 

Velvet: It's basically a cellphone antenna responsible for radio and our scrolls.

Fox: Don't forget  Wi-Fi.

I turned around to glance at Beacon in the distance. Even a few miles away, it sits atop the skyline, visible from anywhere in the kingdom.

Y/n: A bit redundant don't you think? 

Coco: What do you mean?

Y/n: A massive tower that almost literally brings the kingdoms together. An actual beacon.

Fox: Wait until you find out about Signal.

Y/n: You're joking.

Velvet: He's not. But Vale does have some hidden gems beneath it's ordinary appearance.

For the next few hours, the team dragged me around Vale to experience everything it had to offer. Coco showed my just about every clothing store in the kingdom and insisted that I update my wardrobe. Fox introduced me to a street performer whose semblance allowed him to play any musical instrument flawlessly and without prior training. Velvet took us to a bunch of famous landmarks around the city. She's apparently really into photography and brought us to some of her favorites spots to shoot; both within the city, and further out into the forest. It was outside of the city where I learned about Yatsu's interest in nature and untainted scenery. We even were able to witness the sunset at the docks before we began to head back to the academy. I will admit, Vale is much more unique than I gave it credit for. It didn't exactly leave a good first impression on me my first day here. But surprisingly, Team CFVY managed to improve it in our short afternoon. While my goal remains the same in the end, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take things easy for once. 

Once we returned to Beacon, we were met with a guy in a blue polo and matching hat. He was holding what looked like several pizza boxes.

Coco: Right on time.

Predator and Prey(Male Wolf Faunus x Velvet)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें