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GoldenSpion: Uhm can someone tell me why the couch got torn in half when i got here and satan ran through the place?


GoldenSpion: Ahm, don't do that, that's just something they do to make you lose sleep by fake summonings. And I'm pretty sure this is a prank because i backread?

SweetStrawberry: But Ghosts exist!!!

GoldenSpion: Did you sleep last night you don't usually yell in text?

SweetStrawberry: No.

SweetStrawberry: Mom and I stayed up all night and nothing happened....

GoldenSpion: Ahh. so that explains the cover fort in the fireplace.

SweetStrawberry: cover or cushion?

GoldenSpion: It was both I think?

SweetStrawberry: Yeah... I got scared of some noises but mom explained everything to me.

GoldenSpion: What noises?

SweetStrawberry: Well one time there were some cats hissing and then there was a gunshot. There were also some sirens and screams coming from outside.

GoldenSpion: Jeez that was a eventful night, I had to drive through all of that.

SweetStrawberry: Are you okay now?

GoldenSpion: I mean yeah but not the motorcycle.

SweetStrawberry: Also what do you mean with prank? Mom was at my side the whole time.

GoldenSpion: Did you ever think you fell asleep? But didn't?

SweetStrawberry: No. I was up the whole time I swear!

GoldenSpion: Blink?

SweetStrawberry: Nah-ah!

GoldenSpion: Did she give you anything to eat?

SweetStrawberry: No. We order things and I saw delivery and brought it in. We also got the pancakes and a lot of other sweets from the one shop you took us last time.

GoldenSpion: Hmm did she have to warm it up or do anything to it?

SweetStrawberry: Nope.

GoldenSpion: I am suspicious of her putting sleep in something you consumed just to get to me!

SweetStrawberry: No. I would know that. I took the food and she ordered it. So I had it all in my eyes the whole time. She never messed with it.

GoldenSpion: Did the delivery guy wear white or black?

SweetStrawberry: Yellow and had the logo of this delivery brand.

GoldenSpion: What was the brand's name?

SweetStrawberry: Mjam I think.

GoldenSpion: Aha Mjam's company is light blue not yellow, thats one of your moms friends!

SweetStrawberry: Isn't that the other one?

GoldenSpion: Ahm, wait you said mjam was yellow

SweetStrawberry: wait.. It was a yellow but it also could be a green like lime green. I am not sure anymore.

GoldenSpion: hmm, lime green, yellow... I think mjam was green and the other one was yellow.

SweetStrawberry: It was something like that. With a white writing. So he didn't seem sus at all. Also doesn't mom has only like female friends and a brother? I didn't recognize this person. Why are you even this suspicious about mom?! Don't you think it unfair to her?

GoldenSpion: One time she sent a whole delivery truck of 10 human sized packages. Guess what was inside.

SweetStrawberry: Paper?

GoldenSpion: Nope.

SweetStrawberry: Insects?

GoldenSpion: Nope

SweetStrawberry: What else?

GoldenSpion: 1 was full of styrofoam which covered herself.

GoldenSpion: Another was full of birds which started pecking me.

SweetStrawberry: Mom really did this?

GoldenSpion: Yeah but we cleaned up before you got home from school. The third was full of little cats

SweetStrawberry: ... Is this why I never knew you were having a prank wars.

GoldenSpion: yep.

SweetStrawberry: Ohh.... Well mom is sleeping right now so I can't even ask her.

GoldenSpion: Oh well, wanna help me set up another prank?

SweetStrawberry: Ahm... I don't know. You know how she is when we wake her up... I am scared of that.

GoldenSpion:: Ahh don't worry I got ya!

SweetStrawberry: Okay then! YEIY

GoldenSpion:: Alright then we can do it so when she wakes up from a string on her finger, a whole crate falls and captures her. If it misses, thats why we have the pool of glue...

SweetStrawberry: okay.

Just your average NORMAL family! (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now