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"Derek, you know I'm 6 months pregnant, right?" I mumble and he chuckles at my sarcastic tone and nods his head at my question "I don't mind having sex, but four rounds is a lot for me, baby, I know you were sex-deprived because I sure was, but ne...

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"Derek, you know I'm 6 months pregnant, right?" I mumble and he chuckles at my sarcastic tone and nods his head at my question
"I don't mind having sex, but four rounds is a lot for me, baby, I know you were sex-deprived because I sure was, but next time and there will most likely be another time today, just try to narrow it down to two rounds instead." I chuckle and he smiles at me and kisses my lips passionately.

"Now, come shower with me because I can't reach my back anymore, so I bought one of those loofahs with the handle, but since you're back, I don't have to do it anymore," I mumble against his lips and peck them quickly and jump up to go into the bathroom,

"Forgetting something?" Derek asks and I look at him confused he points to his lips to which I kiss his lips softly and he hums.

  "I'm coming, give me a minute." He mumbled as I go to the bathroom, I turn on the water to our desired temperature and step inside since I'm already naked, once I turn around, I see Derek inside the shower in all of his glory and once he sees my naked figure, he smiles at me lovingly and motions me to turn around, which I comply.

  I reach for my shampoo and try to wash my hair, but Derek shook his head, he finished washing and rinsed off, which confused the hell out of me.
"I'm washing you, don't try anything." He mumbles and kissed my forehead lovingly
Derek then pours some of my shampoos into his hand and massages my scalp with his god-sent fingers, I moan softly at the feeling and he chuckles and motions for me to rinse my hair off.
I comply and rinse off my hair, and once I finish that, he put conditioner on my hair and then washes my body, he's been very clingy since he got back, and I know it's because he missed three months of my pregnancy, I love it though.
"How's Erica?" Derek asks and I smile at the thought of her,
"She's great, she's in London now, finally has her driver's license, and has a boyfriend, he's handsome, I'll show you a picture of him when I get dressed," I mumble and grab my towel to wrap my hair and body
Once we're both dry, I take out the clothes for my outfit of the day which are an orange dress, a cropped jean jacket, and some white sneakers because although I can walk in heels easily my back will hurt.
I do a simple makeup look and then let my hair air-dry into its natural waves, which will annoy me later and I'll probably put it up in a bun.
Derek, Braeden, Peter, and I are sitting in the loft, which we'll most likely sell when we leave Beacon are just staring at each other when all of a sudden Braeden puts her feet up on the table and crosses her legs, which pissed me off for some reason.
"That table's Italian," Peter says while glaring at her boots.
"So are these boots, are we going to talk interior design and fashion or are we going to talk numbers?" Braeden asked Peter and Derek
Derek grabs my hand out of nowhere and pulls me into his lap, he kisses my neck softly and breathes in my scent, I run my fingers through his hair softly as he uses my scent as a way to calm his nerves.
Peter and Braeden are silently negotiating a price while Derek stares at his reflection while frowning, I grab his face in my hands and kiss his cheeks.
"The color never mattered, just you." I mumble and he sighs contently
"we'll figure it out together." I mumble and he nods, I feel his shoulders relax and kiss his lips softly.
"We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the President," Peter says while looking at her final price
"I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate, you're hiring me to find her first. Going against the Calaveras is what's going to cost you." Braeden says and smiles when she sees my baby bump as Peter signs the check angrily.
"Am I going to be an aunt?" she asks me and I smile brightly at her as she touched my bump, which I smile at.
"let me know when you go into labor, I'll speed down here," she says and smiled at me on her way out.
Peter slams the door shut after she leaves, and I look down at Derek's look of anxiety.
I grab his hand, just wanting him to rest right now, but I'm interrupted by Peter throwing a temper tantrum.
"Are you insane?!" he belts out in anger
"We didn't have a choice, we spent a week looking for her and came up with nothing," Derek stated and grabs my face into his hands and kisses my lips softly
"If we don't find out, who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back! What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job? My resume is slightly out of date. We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!" He says and tried to grab Derek's shoulder with force, but Derek turned around swiftly and grabs Peter's wrist before he could touch him, he growls in anger, with his yellow eyes on full display.
"Oh, that's a new look for you. What happened to your eyes?" Peter asks worriedly
"I don't know, but I'm willing to pay to find out," Derek says and I sigh, grabbing Derek's hand I guide him upstairs and take him to our bed.
"Lay down," I mumble and he complied immediately
I decide to change into grey sweats and a sweatshirt. I lay in bed next to him and let him lay on my chest with his nose taking in my scent.
"We may not know what happened now, but don't let anyone especially Peter get to you, your eyes will never dictate who you are, whether you're a werewolf or human. You'll always be Derek Hale and I'll always be Oriana Hale, we're in this forever, Derek." I mumble and he sighs contently
"I love you, I don't know what I would do without you." He mumbles sadly
"My wife," he says while looking at me lovingly
"My husband, " I say while giving him the same look.
Later that day Derek is standing against the table with me standing in front of him, he has his arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind as I flip through the file Braeden gave us.
"There's nothing in here about Kate, this killer used an ax," Derek says not making me sit on the table with him in between my legs, he's tying my shoes, and I look back at Braeden who's getting dressed.
"He used a military tomahawk." She says and I scoff
"That's not in this report, and there's a room you can get dressed in right?" I ask her and she hums
"Just testing your husband's loyalty to you and damn is it strong." She mumbles and Derek kisses my cheek as he now stares down at me.
"Are you going to tell us what else you know?" Derek asks annoyed
"Not yet, cause I don't know much." She states and I hum
"But you know something," Derek says and I close the file annoyed
"Brae, we've been friends forever, you know you can trust me, right? Just tell us." I mumble
"The problem is the people I need to talk to right now, don't talk to people like you two," Braeden says and I hum
"You want us to wait for you?" Derek asks as we both turn to look at her
"I want you two to trust me." She says and I scoff
"Why would I trust you? I don't know anything about you." Derek says while glaring at her
"Yeah, well, I know you, and I know what you want, you two want what Kate stole from you," Braeden says while walking around the table to stand next to me, she then speaks in a foreign language
"It means the true nature of someone is reflected in their eyes. In your case, the color of your eyes," She says making Derek frown at her angrily
"You get a week," Derek says and throws her holster at her, for her to only catch it and leave.
"You have to be nicer to people," I mumble and he smiles at me, and gives me a look that I know too well.
"Nope, I think I know why you're eye color is changing though baby, so you might not need Braeden, but it's just a theory," I mumble and he motions me to go on.
"You ever hear of a werewolf evolving?" I ask and he looks at me with a curious look in his eyes.
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