The Meeting

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•Y/N's pov; 9 month ago:
It was just a normal day at your high school, people shoving into you and walking past, far too busy to care if they knock into anyone. You stuck to the right side of the corridor, knowing that that's the way human traffic worked in high school. Being a sophomore and having no friends sucked, not that you couldn't handle the work or being alone, you just missed all your friends from middle school. You knew and talked to no one in all of your classes, yes, some people did peak your interest, but you were too chicken shit to actually talk to them, knowing you'd stutter over your words like you do.
So stuck in your head, you failed to notice the tall raven haired gentleman walking in your general direction. Knocking into the poor teenager, both of your books fall to the floor. You apologize profusely and you both crouch down to grab your books, he looks over at you with a bored and slightly alarmed expression as you stare into his brown eyes. You offer an awkward smile and grab the rest of your books, hands so close to touching his. You notice an old withered copy of a familiar book, but before you can read the title to remind yourself of the familiarity, he grabs the book and stands quickly, walking away from you at a fast pace.
Shocked, you turn around and see him basically jogging down the hallway. You quirk an eyebrow and go follow him, not caring that the bell just rung to signify class was going to start soon. You were curious you'd admit to yourself, he didn't say a word and stared you straight in the eyes. He seemed like he loved that book with his whole heart, and you wanted to know more about the mysterious teen boy. He looked around your age, most likely a sophomore too.
Getting close to him you tap him on the back, he turns and looks down at you, a puzzled look on his face. He reaches to his back pocket and pulls out a tiny notepad and pen, scribbling something down on the paper, he then turns it around to show you.
"Why did you follow me" it read, and you felt your face heat up, too embarrassed to tell him why you did so. You managed to muster up enough courage to talk to him.
"You seemed interesting and I thought maybe we could talk. But based off of you writing, you don't talk much, do you?" You ask, he shakes his head 'no' and you nod yours.
"My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N. What's your name?" You ask, he sighs and scribbles something else down.
"None of your business." It stated, you rolled your eyes.
"Don't be like that. Hmmm. You look like a Jason maybe? If you don't tell me I'll just keep bothering you until I guess right." You state, shrugging your shoulders.
He rolls his eyes and writes down one last thing before showing it to you.
"Jason? No." The boy turns around and walks away, you sigh and look down at your feet.
Turning around yourself, you head straight to the class you're late for. The bell rings one last time just as you're outside the right class. You step in, books in hand. The teacher glares at you as you find an empty seat all the way in the back. Placing your books on the desk you're sitting at, you notice something. You have an extra algebra textbook. You flip through the pages and spot a name written in Sharpie. Dwayne Hoover. You smile down at the name written poorly on the white page. Tucking the extra algebra book underneath your other books, you pay attention, the silent boy in your thoughts until class ends.
After class ends you have lunch, hoping to find the raven haired boy there. You gather your books and Dwayne's from your desk and start walking downstairs. People bump shoulders against yours and you sigh and roll your eyes, too anxious to actually say something. When you reach the lunchroom, you wait in line to get a most likely disgusting lunch. Once out of line, you scan the room, looking for the familiar face you saw an hour and a half ago. You perk up when you spot him in the corner reading a book and eating a salad.
Gripping your tray lightly, you walk over to him. He looks up when you sit across from him, a smile adorning your face. He sits back and goes to stand up, but you hand him his algebra book before he can leave. He looks at it and then at you, wondering what you're trying to do here.
"You left it when we bumped into each other in the hall. It's yours, Dwayne Hoover." You teased, causing him to stiffen up. He eyes you suspiciously before relaxing back into his seat.
He writes down on his little notepad besides him and then raises it up for you to read. "Why are you being so nice to me?" You read in your mind, only to internally sigh.
"Like I said in the hallway Dwayne, you interest me. I wanna get to know you. Plus, you can't pass algebra without your book, trust me, I know from experience." You state, causing him to offer a small smile, which causes you to beam in excitement.
•Dwayne's pov:
After bumping into the girl in the hallway, all I could think about in English was her. She was pretty, no doubt about that. She also had a great smile and was nice to him, without even knowing him. Questions popped into his head during his class, wondering why she was interested in someone like him of all people. He was quiet and a loner, someone people rarely ever talked to, rarely thought about even. Yet, there you were, sitting across from him handing him his algebra book and talking like they had been friends for years on end. The way she smiled made him feel happy inside, he never had a friend, never made someone smile like that. So as you talked on and on about your boring class previously, he found himself watching your every move, but most importantly, he focused on how comfortable you were with him, despite just meeting him. He would write on his notepad when needed, but she did most of the talking to put it lightly.
'She's so odd.' He had thought as she talked. 'So comfortable around me.'
He began to write furiously, thoughts in his head. You stopped talking when you began to notice him writing. He read over the words once or twice before flipping it over and showing her what it said. She smiled softly and nodded her head, before getting up and throwing away her tray. He flips the notepad back over to face him, re-reading what he wrote previously. "Are you wanting to be friends? Is this why you're talking so much?"
When you arrived back from throwing away your garbage you notice him looking around the lunchroom, looking anywhere but you. And if he was going to be honest with himself, he didn't know if he wanted any friends, let alone a girl friend. Not that he had anything against girls, he just knew he'd be teased and chastised by his family when they found out he had made a friend at school. Olive out of the whole family would be the happiest to meet you, Dwayne could tell that you would get along with his younger sister as neither of you really shut up. He smiled at this thought, which catches Y/N's attention.
"What are you chuckling about over there?" She asked him, he wipes the smile off his face and decides to write down what made him smile. "You'd get along with my younger sister. Neither of you can shut up." This made you laugh at him, something he wasn't expecting. He had to admit, you had a cute laugh.
"So a younger sister, huh? What's her name?" Y/N asked, causing Dwayne to nod his head and write down his sister's name.
"Olive, huh? I bet she's a great kid." You stated, which made him nod his head.
"Hey Dwayne?" You asked right before the bell rung to signify the end of lunch, he looked across the table and into your e/c eyes. He just nodded his head to tell her to start talking.
"Do you want to be friends? I mean, I know I do most of the talking. B-but I can do the talking for both of us! If not, that's fine, I just think we both get along well and I like your vibe." You told him honestly, and he truly thought about it for a few seconds, tapping the pen against the notepad. He scribbled something down.
"Sure." It said, causing you to smile at him. He offered a small smile back which made you stand up and hug him. He stiffened in your grasp and you instantly pulled away, knowing you made him uncomfortable.
"Sorry..." You say sheepishly, he just shrugs his shoulders and throws his own trash away.
That day you became friends, a friendship which would grow into something more one day.

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