Just a push

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Dwayne's pov; Madrid Auto Parts:
  Mom and Richard talk to a mechanic as I stand around with Y/N and uncle Frank. Olive chases after a tire as she hits it with her hands, grandpa Edwin watches her do so, cheering her on. I smile as Y/N chuckles at the two. Uncle Frank and I sit on a cinderblock wall as Y/N begins to walk towards Olive and grandpa Edwin. By the time she reaches Olive, she gets her own tire, except this one is bigger. They both push the tires in sync, causing me to smile slightly. Uncle Frank chuckles at me and I turn to look at him.
"How long?" He asks, causing me to look at him confused.
"Oh you know what I mean. How long have you loved her?" Uncle Frank asks again, I freeze.
"Why do you ask?" I write down, showing uncle Frank.
  He smiles as he watches Y/N and Olive play and laugh together.
"No reason. I just see the way you look at her, I know that look all too well Dwayne. So let me ask you, man to man here. How long?" Uncle Frank tries once more. I stare at him blankly.
  He gets me thinking.
•Dwayne's pov; 7 months ago:
  Y/N was curled up in my bed half asleep again, most likely wanting to escape her own personalized hell called home. I look down at the girl and sigh, adoring all of her features. She looks so peaceful half asleep. I think she feels me watching her because her eyes open up slightly, her eyes crease. A blush spreads across her face. I smile down at her, and she smiles back at me sleepily.
  I reach over to my bedside drawer and grab my notepad and sharpie from atop of it. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Flashing her the paper she offers a small, tired smile.
"You're good Dwayne." She tells me. I just nod.
"What made you wanna leave this time?" I write, flipping it over. Y/N rolls her eyes.
"They were fighting again, about you and our friendship this time. I dunno, I just feel so lost when they argue. Their marriage is falling apart, and my dad knows that. I just wish my mom actually cared enough to do something instead of arguing with him all day. Sometimes I just want someone to hold me and tell me it'll be okay, y'know?" Y/N asks me. I nod, looking down at my hands.
"It'll be ok." I write before laying down and wrapping my arm around Y/N's shoulders.
  I hold up the notepad and she looks up, tears welling in her eyes. She inches towards me and wraps her arms around my torso, laying her head on my chest. I feel my face heat up and a smile wears on my lips.
"Thank you Dwayne. I love you." Y/N says, before drifting off into a quiet slumber.
•Dwayne's pov; present day:
  I remember laying there that night with nothing but her voice echoing within my head. I don't even know if she remembers saying that, maybe she was just too delirious to remember or even mean it. By the time I drifted off that night seven months ago, I had come to a realization. The realization that I was falling for my one and only friend. "7 months." I wrote down before he could even ask another question. Uncle Frank looks at it and nods his head.
"That's a long time. When will you tell her?" Uncle Frank asks, I shake my head.
"Never." I write, causing uncle Frank to chuckle.
"I doubt that Dwayne." Uncle Frank says, patting my shoulder before walking off towards mom and Richard.
  Y/N walks over towards me, sweat beading down her forehead. I chuckle at her reddened complexion and tired look wearing on her face.
"Oh shut up." Y/N sasses, making me smile.
"Anyway, we should head back to the group, looks like they're getting ready to leave without us or something." Y/N jokes, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my family.
"Well, I tell you what: these old buses? You don't need a clutch to shift from third to fourth. You just ease up on the gas. You only really need the clutch for first and second." The mechanic explains once we reach the group.
  Richard looks confused.
"What I'm sayin' is: as long as you keep parkin' on a hill, you get yourself goin' fifteen, twenty miles an hour, and you just start up in third. Then you shift between third and fourth." The mechanic continues, Richard seems to get it.
"And you can drive like that?" He asks, earning a nod from the mechanic.
"Oh, yeah. The problem's just getting that speed up. As long as you keep parkin' it on a hill, you're fine." The mechanic explains, which of course raises another question from Richard.
"What if you're not on a hill?" My step dad asks, earning a confused look from the man across from him.
"What?" The man asks.
"I mean, it's sitting here right now. There's no hill. How do we...?" Richard tries to ask but fails.
"Well I tell you what: You get enough people you just get behind there and push. Just push it up to ten, fifteen miles an hour, and you just go. Everybody jump inside, and you just go!" The mechanic explains, getting looks from all of us.
•Y/N's pov:
  We walk towards the road outside of the garage and the mechanic attempts to drive the VW as best, and as far, as he can. He doesn't get very far, but at least gets us to the road where cars speed by. The mechanic gets out of the VW and gets behind it, Richard opens up the sliding side door and gets into the drivers seat.
"Okay, ready?! Olive, dad: I want you in the car first." Richard yells to us, causing Olive to get a little sassy herself.
"I know! We know!" Olive yells back to her father.
"Okay, everyone ready?" Richard yells to all of us, numerous yells of yeses or grunts are heard.
Richard starts up the car while Frank turns to look at all of us.
"I just want everyone here to know I'm the pre-eminent Proust scholar in the United States." He says, causing Sheryl and I to laugh.
"Okay, go! Push!" Richard yells.
We all push, the VW moves very slow at first, only for it to gain speed the more we push. Before I know it, we're all running after the VW.
"Olive, dad, get in!" Richard yells.
Edwin runs quickly, he jumps into the VW with an exasperated sigh. Olive lets go next, running as fast as her little legs can carry. Edwin lets his arms out to grab Olive once she reaches the open door.
"Sheryl! You're next!" Richard says.
Sheryl lets go and screams playfully as she runs to the bus too. Edwin and Olive hold their arms out and Edwin (not so much Olive, as she has tiny arms and basically no muscle) pulls Sheryl in.
"Okay, I'm puttin' it into gear! Get ready!" Richard yells at us, I roll my eyes.
Richard guns the engine, shifting the gears. The bus is making a weird noise, but it still moves at a fast pace.
"Okay, get in! Get in!" Sheryl yells to us. "Slow down! You're losing them!" Sheryl yells, except this time to Richard.
"I can't! I can't slow down!" Richard says.
Dwayne gives his uncle a little push, telling Frank to go ahead. Frank does so and lets go, running to the open door and diving in. This time Dwayne gives me a push, I just nod my head at him and run faster than I ever have. Edwin, Olive, and Frank hold out their arms and pull me in. I look out the open door to see Dwayne running at top speed, I hold out my hands and I pull him in. He lands on top of me and I feel my face flush, as does his. He scrambles up quickly, getting into the backseat beside his step-grandfather. I stay laying down, catching my breath. Frank looks down at me, a smile on his face as I pant. I sit up. Frank turns to Dwayne.
"No one gets left behind! No one gets left behind! Outstanding, soldier! Outstanding!" Frank yells, saluting his nephew. Dwayne smiles sheepishly, a blush forming on his cheeks.
He looks cute when he blushes.

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