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Days have passed from when I ended things with Jon, and things have been better than ever between myself and Van. I haven't felt the pressure I usually feel when entering in a relationship. I've pinned it down to Van and I having a friendship beforehand, as well as sex. Now it's just down to all the cringe shit that Van avoids anyway due to me not being a fan of that. He still slips in the odd, 'you're beautiful' here and there but I just tell him to save it for his songs and roll my eyes. He loves it though, how I don't cater to his ego like every other girl has. I might swoon internally over Van but I would never let him know that.

Still, we've kept our meetings on the down low- well aware of the reaction we will get from everyone when we eventually reveal our newfound relationship. If that's what you can call it, that is, seeing as we haven't confirmed the status of it quite yet.

Tonight we've all arranged to go for the pub. I pray that I won't see Jon but knowing my luck and the karma that is bound to follow after me- I probably will. My mind keeps flashing back to ending things with him, and Cheryls shocked glance in my direction. I'm not naive enough to believe that she's not run straight to Kel and told her. So both Van and I have been avoiding the pub, in case we get hounded by her the second we walk in.

"How are you feeling about all of this?"

My eyes glance up from their daydream to look at Van through the mirror. He's sprawled out on my bed as usual, playing with his fingers because he can't sit still for five minutes.

For a second I feel a sense of panic, as if he's asking me with the intention of admitting it may have been a mistake. But soon his eyes avert from staring at his fingers and he catches mine in the mirror, a smirk playing on his red raw lips. I haven't been able to keep my hands off of him and it shows- his hair is disheveled, red marks litter his body, and his lips are swollen and red from me licking and sucking and biting them with no shame now.

"If you end this now I might just fucking deck you," I warn him, my eyes widening and he begins to laugh, laying back on my bed.

"Fuck off Kath, what do you take me for huh? Indecisive?" he says, a playfulness to his tone.

I scoff in return, "indecisive and everything in between you dickhead."

Silence overtakes us once again for a while A Certain Romance by Arctic Monkeys playing through my speaker as I apply my makeup, hiding away the flush on my cheeks from my endeavours with Van.

"They're gonna know, Kath. You need to be prepared for it," he sighs eventually, pulling my attention back to him where he stares at me now.

"Yeah well, telling Larry and Bob and that- is nothing on telling Kel. That's what I'm bloody dreading," I shake my head and he laughs,

"You know what she'll be telling everyone won't she? No loyalty that girl," he rolls his eyes and I sigh,

"I love our Kel. But there's a reason I never confided in her about this in the first place. She'll be asking me all about the sex, I knows it!" I squirm and Van laughs,

"You frigid little bitch, I bet they have no idea how filthy you are do they?"

He suddenly jolts up, throwing himself towards me to swing his arms around my neck and pull me back towards him. I land on the bed behind him, giggling away like a silly little schoolgirl as he tickles, pinches and kisses all over me. I try to push him off, though my grip on him is weak as I don't really mind his teasing.

Soon the teasing becomes something more serious as he finds my lips, his lips curving into mine ferociously as he begins to kiss me harder and harder as the seconds pass. His body moulds into mine, his arms holding mine above my head as he grinds into me slowly, his jeans rub on my panties- causing for a funny kind of sensation. And his breath becomes shallow as he feels me against him. But we needn't get too into it before my phone rings, and Van rolls off me with a groan in his throat.

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