Part 13

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I walked in and went to my room to sit my bag down
"Girls could you come down here for a second" I heard my dad say from the end of the stairs
"Coming" me and Ali said In sink
"So I wanted to ask there's a country club party coming up this weekend and was wondering if you girls where going to be attending" my dad asked
I just looked at Ali and shrugged my shoulders
"I'll be there" Ali said
"Could I think about it please"I asked because I don't really wanna spend this weekend being bored
"Of course hunny just need to knows by Friday"
"Thanks dad"
"Of course also your mother wants to know what you'd like for dinner"
"Um anything is fine with me" I said
"It doesn't really matter to me either"Ali said
"Ok then"

We walked back to our rooms
"Why did you ask to think about it" Ali asked
"Because I don't wanna go but I didn't wanna say that"
"Makes sense"
I entered my room shutting the door behind me and layed on my bed

Soon my phone rang I picked it up
"Hey your coming to karate practice with me and the guys tomorrow" Tommy said on the other line
"Ok but why" I asked
"Because after we are going to the drive in"
"Who is we" I joked
"Me and you"
"Oh I really and who said I want to go"
"Oh my god lyric please would you like to go to the drive in with me tomorrow"
"Of course tommy"
"Thank you I'll see you tomorrow,"
"Bye tommy"
"Good bye princess"
'Jesus what does this guy got over me' I thought as I smiled at the idea
I went to get a shower but when i opened the door ali fell into my room
"Where you ease dropping" I asked
"No never I was just gonna ask About um English homework" she said clearly trying to find a reason
"Nice one but we didn't have any, now I'm going to shower" I told her after helping her off my floor
"Thanks and ok"

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