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We got to the beach and I took my shorts and shirt off
"Race you guys to the water" I yelled
I heared tommy whisper something under his breath that sounded like " that girl is gonna be the death of me" but I could have been hearing thing
We all hung out In the water for a while then sat on the sand and some of the guys where sparing while I was tanning it was around lunch and I was getting kind of hungry
"Hey y'all wanna go grab some food before we have to take miss mills home" Johnny asked and laughing at me knowing I had to be home before 3

We got our food and ate we tried out this new diner place it was actually pretty good

We went back to Johnnys and I got my stuff and then we all road in Johnnys car to drop me off
"Are you gonna go inside and talk at ali" I asked Johnny
"No I'll call her later, love you" he told me
"Love you too and the rest of you guys" they all told me bye and the loved me as well as I walked in the door

"Johnny didn't come in" I told ali as she came down from the stair case
"Oh" she said with a hint of sadness In her voice
"He said something about calling you tonight" I told her and walked passed her and to my room to put my bags down

"Girls would you please come here" my mom asked
We came into the kitchen where she was
"There's a country club party for the beginning of summer next Friday so we need to go shopping for you girls a dress" she told us I hate things like this because she makes me buy a new dress that I'm never gonna wear after that day and she begs me to get a date
But I just agreed with her

I went back to my room and my phone was ringing
"Hello" I answered
"Hey I just got home and my mom told me the country is hosting a party Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me" it was tommy
"Yeah of course I'd love to" I told him
"Ok great, I've got to go help my dad do something so I'll call you back tonight" he told me
" sounds like a plan" I said and we hung up
I walked down stairs
" hey mom don't worry about begging me to get a date tommy Is taking me to the party" I told her
"Oh that's lovely honey"

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