Part 8

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We all got to Johnnys and saying he's pissed is an understatement
We walked in the door and the guys followed Johnny to his room I went to the kitchen and grabbed sodas and a beer but I hid the beer by wrapping it in my cardigan I went up to Johnnys room and handed the guys all a soda

"Hey L me and the guys are gonna go ahead and leave do you want a ride home" Tommy asked me
"No it's fine I'm gonna call Ali or just walk" I replied
The guys all left and once I heard the front door shut I unrapped the beer and handed it to Johnny
"Thanks lyric" Johnny told me with a small smile
"No problem"
"How can she stay pissed at me and you never cared that I forgot yalls birthday"
"She's not pissed off anymore but she's not gonna forgive you because she says you make to many mistakes like that"
"Want me to stay tonight"
"You wouldn't mind"
"Of course not, I'll go call mom"
As I walked out his room he yelled
"Yes Johnny"
"Thanks for always doing this"
"Your welcome"
Now I know what your thinking what does he mean thanks for always doing this
Every time Johnny has a shitty night as long as I'm hanging out with him and the guys I'll stay at his place that night and we'll drink and pretty much have a party but it's only us too

On the phone with my mom
"Hey mom all the guys are staying at johnnys can I stay tonight"
"Of course but what about clothes for school tomorrow"
"I'll wear something of Johnnys or the other guys or Something"
"Ok then that's fine with me"
"Ok thank you mom"
And with that I hung up and grabbed a few beers before running back to Johnnys room
"I'm back"
"Thank god" Johnny joked
"Movie?" I asked
"Yeah it's up to you you know where they are"
I smiled "bad idea leaving it up to me"
"I said we can watch a movie not cable there for you can't watch Care Bears, or the jetsons, or the pink panther"
"First of all we only watched Care Bears ones because you where drunk as hell and found it funny and second pink panther is the shit"
"Shut the hell up and pick a movie" Johnny said while laughing at me
"Fine so dirty dancing"
"That works"
Half way threw the movie neither of us are paying attention
I'm laying on the floor drawing on the cover of Johnnys note book for school and he's laying next to me carving his initials into the base bored

The girl best friend जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें