Chapter 11: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith

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A/N: Back on Sarah Jane again 😅 Love these episodes but it's a bit stressful when finding the episode to watch to give myself a visual but found one for this.


Kathy travels with the Doctor for a little longer, believing someone should be with him as it is nearing the end of this regeneration. There's a trip to the Yorkshire Moors in the 18th century where there were vanishing livestock and strange lights. Then a harmless trip to the Chelsea Flower Show that had Chelsea 426, a city-sized future colony floating on the clouds of Saturn and a confrontation with Sontarans. Soon the TARDIS picks up a disruption in the universe. After some digging and Kathy explaining, it is discovered that the Trickster is once again trying to use Sarah Jane Smith to break through into this reality and create chaos by using her falling in love. They try to break through, to stop it but they get knocked back by the Trickster and are unable to break through until finally, they do.

They burst out of the TARDIS and into a reception room in a hotel and Kathy hears the sound of the register talking. Kathy and the Doctor bolt into the wedding room, drawing the attention of the congregation. Sarah Jane and Peter stand in front of the register.

"Stop this wedding now!" The Doctor yells.

"What?" Sarah Jane gasps in surprise.

"What's going on?" Gita exclaims.

"Who the hell is that?" Her husband mutters.

"I don't believe it," Luke says.

"Who's they? What is she wearing?" Rani questions. Kathy gives her an offended look though she can't blame her because what would you say if two unknown people barge into a wedding ceremony and one is wearing a dress from the 16th century?

K9 appears from under a table. "Master! Mistress Kathrine!" Kathy spares him a quick, but excited, look but diverts her attention back to the front.

"He said, stop this wedding." Kathy declares. She knows that they'll not be able to stop this until Peter understood what he had agreed to and they needed time to do so but they could try. A strong wind blows through the room causing Kathy and the Doctor to stumble. Kathy tries not to get her legs tangled up in her dress.

"Alert! Alert! Danger, Mistress!" K9 cries as he spins in circles.

"Stop! Get away from him!" The Doctor yells.

Sarah Jane tries to but Peter holds onto her. "No! Peter, no!"

"Don't be afraid, Sarah Jane. It's the Angel." Peter calmly replies. A faceless figure in white appears in the corner of the room. The Trickster.

"The Trickster!" Rani exclaims in shock.

"Mum! Mum!" Luke cries in panic.

"Sarah! Trickster, let her go!" The Doctor yells. He and Kathy struggle to walk forward due to the wind.

"Too late, Time Lord and halfling." The Trickster replies as he walks over to Sarah Jane and Peter. "You're mine, Sarah Jane Smith. Mine forever."

"Sarah Jane!" Kathy yells desperately.

"Doctor! Kathy!" Sarah Jane cries. The Trickster, Peter and Sarah Jane vanish.

"Sarah!" The Doctor is yelling. The Doctor and Kathy are now able to bolt forward towards the altar. "Sarah, no!"

Then the shaking picks up again and the congregation begins screaming and panicking before they disappear.

"Mom! Dad!" Rani exclaims. The rumbling continues.

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