One girl, One boy, One cat

Start from the beginning

Marinette: my kitty I'm so sorry for that, someone is taking care of you?

Cat Noir: I called the doctor, and gave me some medicine, I'm sorry, I wanted to visit you today

Marinette: ill spend days without you?

Cat Noir: I'm so weak but I can try and come, the problem that I don't want you to get sick too, so better I stay away of you

Marinette: I miss you

Cat Noir: I miss you too

Marinette: who take care of you?

Cat Noir: my Kwami

Marinette: what about your mom or your dad?

Cat Noir: I don't have, they both dead

Marinette: I'm so sorry to hear that, you don't have sisters and brothers? Or a girlfriend hmmm

Cat Noir: nope just my Kwami

Marinette: I want to take care of you

Cat Noir: I tell you what, once I'll be fine, just prepare a wonderful night just me and you, films and food till the morning, you get the films and croissants, I get the popcorn, and other goodies

Marinette: only that?

Cat Noir: yes, did I miss something else? I can bring ice cream, I love ice cream

Marinette: I want to taste something else

Cat Noir: what is it, I'll bring them

Marinette: your lips

Cat Noir: you know once I kiss you, I won't be able to resist your sweet lips

Marinette: better, we spend the night kissing

Cat Noir: I feel that I got more fever now

Marinette: hhhhhh don't tell me that you didn't get a fever medicine

Cat Noir: I got, but thinking of your lips right now make me feel much more fever

Marinette: ill pass and check on my boss too, he is so sick

Cat Noir: Adrien?

Marinette: yes, he lives alone too, and I want to take care of him

Cat Noir: fine, I'm not jealous at all

Marinette: you are a baby; I love both of you dummies

Cat Noir: I think we have to talk about this Adrien Agreste

Marinette: you know where to find me then if you want to talk

Cat Noir: I'll sleep a bit, I'm so tired, I wish for a hot soup but Plagg don't stop giving me camembert

Marinette: I can make soup but I don't know how to do that and give it to you

Cat Noir: don't worry I'll be really fine in some days, ill text you once I wake up

Marinette: I'll wait for you, sleep well

End of texts conversations:

I finished my work, and went to Adrien's house, I pressed the ring bell and I see that the door is opened itself. I closed it and went in. the mansion is really so big that I have to walk for a while till I reached Adrien's room. He was sweating, flushed and his face in red

Adrien: H...hi Mari

Marinette: Adrien, you are flushed

I get closer to his bed and put my hand on his head

Marinette: you are burning

Adrien (while coughing): I had a doctor and he described some medicine, I wish I'll be fine

Marinette: oh, my poor Adrien, stay here

I got a bowl with cold water and a towel, I went back to the room, I wet the towel and put it on his forehead

Marinette: I'll be back, ok?

Adrien: f...fine

I went to the kitchen and started cutting vegetables and some meat to make him a warm vegetable and meat soup, I let it on the oven to cook well and went back to him

Marinette: are you hungry?

Adrien: not really, I feel so weak

Marinette: you should eat at least some to be fine

I put my hand on his cheek, he is so warm and hot, he is beautiful, I get so close to him I want to kiss him

Adrien: don't Mari

Marinette: why not?

Adrien: I'm so sick, I don't want you to be sick because of me. Once ill be fine, we will kiss

He winks to me and he smiled one of his wonderful smiles that made me fall for him

Marinette: Fiiiine I will wait

I crossed my arms because I wanted to kiss him, I can't wait, I stand up and looks at him

Marinette: ill be back, just sit up now ok

Adrien: yep yep

I went to the kitchen, I put some soup in the bowl and go back to him

Marinette: I cooked this for you, now eat, I will feed you

Adrien: I'm not hungry

Marinette: fine, with each spoon, you have a kiss, ok?

Adrien: this is a good deal, aaaaah

He said while opening his mouth, I feed him till he finished all the bowl

Adrien: it's delicious

Marinette: I know, I'm good in cooking, it's late now

Adrien: you can stay here if you want, you can get any room you want

Marinette: you sure of that?

Adrien: yes, so sure of that

Marinette: fine, but I don't have clothes to change

Adrien: get any from my dressing

I went to his dressing and got shorts and a white shirt

Marinette: not bad, ill stay here till you feel well

Adrien: thank you for taking care of me

He holds my hand and kissed it; he is so cute when he is vulnerable

Marinette: sleep now, ill go to sleep it's late

Adrien: yes sir, good night

Marinette: good night

I kissed his forehead, I cleaned the kitchen, changed and fall asleep in the room next to his room

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