One girl, One boy, One cat

987 40 12

POV Adrien:

I wake up, feeling so dizzy, I can't feel myself at all, all my body hurt me, I feel cold, my body is burning and i cough

Plagg: congrats! You won a flu and as a bonus, some fever

Adrien (while coughing): seriously Plagg? Give me my phone please

Plagg gave me my phone and I called Lila

Phone conversation:

Lila: hello baby!!

Adrien: Lila, I'm so sick and I can't move from my bed, I'll call a doctor, I called you to tell you to cancel today's dinner with the client, I will call him myself, inform Marinette, Nino and Alya

Lila: ok I will inform them, If I don't have a meeting with the models, I would come and take care of you

Adrien: I'm fine, don't worry, bye

Lila: bye baby!!

End of phone conversation:

Once I closed the call, I called my client

Phone conversation:

Bob Ross: Hello Adrien

Adrien: Hi Bob, I'm sorry, I will cancel today's dinner, I'm so sick because of yesterday's rain, I will inform you once I'm fine

Bob Ross: it's ok, the order I want to ask you about can wait, I need it in 3 months for the concert of my son, and I know you have the best stylist company so my order will be ready in time

Adrien: Fine, thank you, I'll keep you updated of my health, bye

Bob Ross: bye

End of phone conversation:

I closed the call and look at Plagg

Adrien: I shouldn't stay at rain

Plagg: Mr. Agreste playing Romeo, so you regret that?

I remember the kisses I got from Marinette and ladybug

Adrien: no, I don't regret anything

I called a doctor, he arrived in 15 minutes, he checked me and gave me a lot of medicine ,left to give me time to rest in bed and I fall asleep

POV Marinette:

I was working in peace till one of my biggest enemies come in my office

Lila: I'm not here for your eyes, I'm here to tell you that Adrien is so sick and he canceled the dinner for today

Marinette: Adrien is sick, hmmm fine thank you

I see this stupid girl leaving, I can't leave now to see him, I'll wait till I finish my work

I was working till I look to my phone, I got it and texted Cat Noir

Texts conversations:

Marinette: Hello kitty

Cat Noir: Ohh hi princess

Marinette: so, what are you doing? Let me guess, signing some papers

Cat Noir: I wish, but I'm in bed, so sick, I spent a lot of time under the rain

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