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you-you almost died, hugo you almost died
you said hugging him tightly

you-my last memory of you was you saying you loved me and i didnt say it back
you cried onto his hospital gown

hugo-shh baby im fine. i wouldn't leave you
he reassured you as you held his face

you-what happened, please tell me what happened

hugo-i was just driving around for some fresh air, i got dinner before and ate in the car and i was passing the suit store and somebody spun and crashed into the front of me, our car is ruined im so sorry hunny

you-i dont care about the car the car isnt important and your life is hugo

hugo-i love you so much

you-i love you more
you added hugging him again

you-what hurts
you asked sitting down and holding his hand

hugo-my left leg and my chest

you-that it? or are you lying to me

he chuckled as you squeezed his hand

hugo-i swear that's all that hurts
he said smiling

how is he smiling. how are you still smiling brighter than ever after this hugo. god i love you so much.

you-you were the first person that guy has ever saved


you chuckled sniffling and rubbing the ring on his hand

you said as hugo glanced down at your hand on his he squeezed back

hugo-im not going anywhere im right here hunny

you took a deep breathe
you-i know your not, your right here
you smiled as he lay back down

you-you tired?

hugo-a little bit

you-take a nap, im gonan go get coffee anyway
you lied

hugo-you sure?

you-more than sure
you smiled rubbing his hand as his eyes closed you stared at him for a good 5 minutes before beginning to cry again.

you placed your hands onto your face

god what am i gonna do.

you woke up to a doctor as hugo awake

doctor-his dismissed for the night, he has a leg support on his left leg its muscle and tendant damage other than that his good to go
she smiled passing you medication for him

you-thank you so much, again really
you said helping hugo into the wheelchair.
the fucking wheelchair

this broke my heart. my husband is in a wheelchair

you wheeled him out and stood waiting for the uber to arrive

you sighed and stood infront of him fixing his curly hair in your hands

hugo-your so pretty baby

you-your so precious, you know that?

he nodded as your hands cupped his face you pecking his lips before a car pulled up

dalton-get in
he said to you


dalton-i didn't wait for 4 hours for nothing, get in

you helped hugo into the back putting his wheelchair beside him sitting in the front

you-how come you waited-

he immediately cut you off
dalton-we'll talk later
he spoke quietly as you drove in silence to your house

hugo-sorry i recognise you, who are you?

he glanced over at you as you stared out the window

dalton-her boss

he said hesitantly pulling into your driveway and stopping the car

the time was 6:32

dalton was dressed for work and his bag in the back behind his seat
he did go home at some point.

you-thank you
you said as he glanced up at you

dalton-no problem
he replied softly glancing down to your lips

you-stay here
you whispered getting out the cat and yelling hugo out going inside

you pushed hugo into the living room and helped him onto the couch.
you grabbed him water, pillows, blankets, food, his phone and a charger

you-i have to work. i would much rather stay and take care of you but we have no money and-

hugo-shhh i know, it's okay you can go
he smiled and you sighed relieved

you went into your bedroom and took a quick shower changing into a pretty blue dress for work with your black professional jacket and some heels

you-i'll send somebody over to look after you okay?

he chuckled

hugo-y/n i dont nee anybody. its just muscle and tendant damage im absolutely fine.

you slid his medication beside him

you-rules are on the box take it when needed okay?

he nodded and kissed your cheek

hugo-have a good day for me ok

you nodded and walked out getting into dalton's car

you-lets go
you sighed dialling ryder's number

ryder-hey whatsup

you-where gonna have to cancel the gym today hugo's stuck at home with a wheelchair he got in a car accident, im a work but-

ryder-what your at work and his home alone

you-well who else is gonna keep me from getting my house taken off me?

ryder-i'll go over to him later to take him some food

you-thank you

ryder-of course

you ended the call and sighed sliding your phone away

you-thank you for waiting my car got totalled

dalton-of course
he smiled lightly

you-about what you said in the hospital-


you-no listen to me. you aren't going anywhere because i physically need you and love you dalton. you dont want to leave so dont hurt us both by forcing yourself to go

he pulled into his parking spot and turned to you

dalton-i would kiss you but to feels wrong after what's just happened so im just gonna say nothing and stare at you

you chuckled
you-you make me happy dalton, i cant let you go
you said holding his hand

dalton-fucking hell, i love you.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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