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you- y/n [24] a married and successful, independent buisness woman. you work in one of the biggest offices in town. you work from 8-5 [usually..]

your bestfriend/co-worker- akotia [24] also married, goes out with you and your husband on double dates all the time, always there for you

your husband- hugo [25] married to you and works from 10-4 as an engineer, his shifts are so short because the pay isnt needed from your success. it's just some extra cash and it keep him busy

your bestfriend's husband- ryder [26] your close friend and your best friend's husband, works with hugo and banters alot with you

your boss- dalton [25] the cold hearted man himself who pays you. he owns the building and the company you run. your basically his right hand man if he needs any paperwork doing then ur the girl he goes to

enjoy :)

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