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a couple of hours had passed by, your tea was gone and so was theo pancakes your throat felt so dry.

you couldn't stop clearing your throat

dalton-what drink do you want?
dalton asked standing up

you-no i can get it myself dalt-

dalton-i said what do you want to drink y/n

you-surprise me
you replied making him smirk and leave the room

you had just finished your last file for the day and had 2 hours remaining of work

hm. he definitely gave me less stuff to do today

you were brought back out your thought by the door opened and his entering with two cups

he took his seat handing you one

you-gonna tell me what it is?

he chuckled

he watched as you sipped from your cup

you-oh woa
you said chuckling being blown away by the memorable minty taste you used to have daily

dalton-did i make it wrong, it definitely tastes bad doesn't it
he said staring and waiting for defeat

you-it's a mint latte with no sugar and an extra pump of cream, right?

he smiled
dalton-did you watch me make that?
he asked making you both chuckle

you-i used to have these everyday
you whispered

dalton-i know, i made them for you
he said as you looked up at him


dalton chuckled finishing the papers now paying full attention to you

dalton-you would come in to your usual minty latte on your desk, i made them


he added

that's so sweet. and the fact he remembers it too, i had them god almost a year ago now.

dalton-you can take these to the front desk of this floor. they will get taken downstairs and sent off
he said sliding you the papers

you smiled picking them up

you-you would put ribbons on the cups too
you whispered looking up at his face

dalton, who know you were such a romantic
whether it was meant romantically or not it was adorable

no you werent married then.

you and hugo have been married for 4 months, youve been working here for almost 2 years

dalton got up and opened the door for you

dalton-i'll put your stuff on your table for you
he whispered as your face looked up at hos, his breathe gently fanned off you

you-thank you, seriously dalton
you added smile before walking towards the front desk and placing the papers down

you-dalton wants these sent downstairs and sent off to the correct addresses stat
you siad to the woman

??-i'll get that done as soon as possible
she flashed a smile as you made your way back to your desk as you saw dalton setting your stuff down

your laptop in the middle of the desk perfectly where you have its your bag on the right side of you on the ground and your drink to the left side of the laptop

you got over to him

you-theres one problem

he glanced up at you placing your coffee cup down

wait. is that.. a ribbon?
dalton you cant do that now im married

dalton-and whats that
he whispered

oh my christ. whispered again and i might loose my mind.

i remember when i used to be obsessed with you dalton. dont take me back.
im. married.

you-ive finished all my work for today

he chuckled
dalton-i gave you less, birthday girl and all

he said pulling your chair out for you

dalton-finish your essay youve been writing in your spare time
he said

his eyes compelled you. your eyes didn't move from him. not once
his voice drew you in and you followed his orders just as he requested

you-will do
you smiled as he walked off back to his office

you looked down at your seat seeing a little box


you took your seat and opened the box

'just something small to say thank you for everything you've done for me birthday girl, dalton'

you placed the note onto your desk seeing a very pretty silver necklace. the 5 pretty diamonds placed in the middle of the necklace made it catch your eye.
are these..real diamonds?

theres no way
you glanced around looking for him but he was nowhere in sight

you smiled at the so called small gesture and closed the box getting on with your essay.

by now it had just hit 5pm, your time to leave as you packed up your stuff and stared at the empty coffee cup.

i had a draw full of these ribbons in my smaller office at home. i still do. are we starting this, again dalton?

you slid the ribbon off and put it around your wrist so you wouldnt forget it's there and put your coffee cup in the bin making your way to his office

you saw he slouched back in his seat with his head threw back and hands in his hair

he looked so hot when he was stressed

you walked in as he head shot up to see you

you-so eager to see me
you chuckled

dalton-i always am sweetie


sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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