Drinking contest with Thor

Start from the beginning

"No Peter I don't want to go home I like it here."

"We have to go love we can't stay in a-" Peter got cut off by a table close by us who was yelling at their waiter for bringing out the wrong dressing for their side salads. I look at the waiter who looked oddly familiar.

"Who are they yelling at?" I asked Thor who managed to get me to stand up beside him, I couldn't tell since I couldn't feel my legs.

"Our waiter Billy remember they've been rude to him since we got here." Thor stated disapprovingly and I shook my head. Billy brought us food and everything we needed quickly. From the parts of earlier that I remember he was nice, polite, and quick. There was no need for these people to be yelling at him in his place of work like this all because a mix up happened between him and the kitchen. Before thinking my legs begin to walk in the direction of the commotion.

"Y/n get back here. Oh my god what do we do?" I hear Aiden yell to Thor as I quickened my pace.

"Peter, Y/n is running away!" Thor shouted and I turned around for a second, just in time to see Peter whip his head around and focus on where I was and where I was going. By the time I turned back around  I had to stop myself from running right into Billy.

"Hi Billy, I just wanted to say we had a lovely evening with you as our server and the next time we come back I will be sure to ask for you. You were quick, positive, friendly, and patient with us and I'm sure you are just an overall great person inside and outside of this establishment." I said with my arm slung around his shoulder and patting his back a few times. The table has gone silent and Billy was as shocked by the words. I looked at the table in front of me and at all the people giving me disapproving looks. Not saying that it was normal for a drunk girl to walk up to a random table and praise a waiter for no reason, but they didn't need to look at me like that. "Are these people giving you a problem Billy?"

"No ma'am, we were just clearing up a mistake that I made and I was about to go fix it for them." He said politely while trying to put some distance between us, personal space wasn't in my vocabulary currently but I knew when to back up if someone seemed uncomfortable. However, I don't think it was my closeness that made Billy back up, it was more then likely the rest of the team behind me who had gathered to watch what I was doing. I hadn't noticed their presence but now there was no missing it. 

"Great well now that I have everyone's attention I would like to make an announcement please and thank you." I said loudly for most of the establishment to hear. 

"Wonderful we get to listen to another idiot mumble in front of us before we get to enjoy our food." The middle aged women who sat in the table in front of me said, if I remember correctly she was the one using the rudest of insults earlier. Aiden stepped forward as if he was about to go off on the woman but I lifted my hand up to prevent him. 

"Yes everyone, you all get to listen to this idiot mumble loudly so I am disturbing everyone's nights. Now where should this idiot start?" I asked rhetorically and after no one answered I looked back at Peter for confirmation on my next move. His single nod told me that whatever happened next he would have my back so, I jumped on to their table. Standing right in the middle of the long fancy table I began to walk up and down the table skillfully missing all the plates and items. Even when intoxicated dads stealth training still rang loudly in my head. 

"Maybe I should begin by explaining to the lesser intelligent folks in the room how physics works, or maybe calculus, or maybe we should get in a line and have a competition to see who can build a nuclear weapon the quickest without blowing themselves up. I thin-". My words were cut off by the same middle aged women who had spoken earlier and this time her patience seemed to be very thin with me. Like I cared. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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