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Biancas death anniversary :((

Little Nico (0-2)
Cg Will


Nico stared at the calendar on the wall of his cabin that Will insisted on putting up. He regretted ever checking. He was much more content being oblivious to the days as they passed by. He hardly ever checked,, why did he have to glance over on this day? And curse you Will for checking the previous days off.

The boy sighed as he turned over in bed, curling into a fetal position. No way was he going to be able to get out of bed today. He felt nauseous and lightheaded. He'd probably pass out if he tried to stand up.

Why did it have to be so hard? Why couldn't she still be here? Why did Bianca have to get in that stupid toy? He couldn't care less about the figurine, he just wanted her. He would never get to see her again. She chose rebirth.

Why did she have to choose rebirth? Did she want to leave him? He knew the responsibility of caring for him was thrown onto her, but did he really annoy her that much she never wanted to see him again? He knew she didn't wish to die, but she did choose to join the Hunters.


She probably hated him. He couldn't blame her.

Tears flowed down his face far too fast for him to wipe them away, as more would just come. He hated this day. Almost any progress he'd made throughout the year seemed to go down the drain as soon as this day hit.

Well, that was until Will Solace entered his life.

Nico was way too caught up in his thoughts to hear the door to his cabin open. He also didn't hear the quick steps make their way to his shaking form. He did, however, register the voice calling out to him as it got closer. Although the words made no sense to him. He was panicked too much to register the words.

A pair of hands gently grabbed his own, light enough so he could pull away if needed. Shocked, he looked up to meet the concerned gaze of his boyfriend. Will was obviously saying something,w but he couldn't understand.

Nico gasped out as he curled into himself again. Shaking his head he choked on a sob. "I-I'm sorry I don't- I can't.... too much. Too too much." He broke out into sobs hands tightening their hold on Wills. He just wanted Will. He would make it better right? He would hold him, whisper stupid cheesy things, rub his back, or card his fingers through his hair, maybe even rock him. He loved when Will did—

He let out another loud sob as he realized what was happening. He was regressing against his will. Oh gods how stupid he was. Will knew about his regression and often took care of him whenever he slipped, but he always felt like a burden. So he usually tried to force it back.

That wasn't going to happen this time though.

Will shushed him and carefully brought the other into a hug. Nico wrapped his legs around Will's waist, arms tightly around his neck, and buried his face into the taller boy's neck so he couldn't see him crying anymore.

Will, who had quickly caught onto the fact that the other had started to regress began to rub the boy's back, and kissed his forehead. "I don't know if you can hear me yet love, but I'm gonna go get your Paci and Sprite, okay?"

Nico was still far too out of it to understand, but he didn't put up a fight when Will stood up, him still clinging to him like a koala. As long as Will didn't let go.

Will went into the far back of the closet and grabbed Nico's little box. He always had an extra key on him so he was easily able to open the box. Grabbing one of the many simple black pacies, and the golden retriever puppy, Sprite, Will walked back to the bed and sat down. Gently lifting his baby's face from his neck he offered the paci. Nico whined and shook his head, still scared to fully regress.

Will shushed him gently, moving his leg up and down as he rubbed the raven-haired boy's back. "Shhh. I know. I know baby. But really, it's okay. I promise. I'm here, and I loved taking care of you." He didn't know if the words registered, but he hoped that Nico could atleast hear him and that his voice would help to soothe him. Luckily it did, and Nico after a few moments of persuasion took the paci into his mouth, and tightly held Sprite in one arm, the other still clinging onto Will.

"There you go Sunshine... you're okay. I've got you." Will soothed as he started rocking the others still visibly shaking form. "I've got you..."

" 'M sorry.." Nico mumbled into the other's neck. The blonde kissed his head. "You don't need to be sorry sweetheart. It's okay. Do you wanna talk about it?"

The raven hesitated for a moment. Talking about it was so hard, but he was trying to be more open with Will. So he should tell him, shouldn't he? Will was always so helpful.

"I... annversury... Bianca.." he mumbled out tearing all up over again. Even with the mispronunciation Will quickly caught on. It was Bianca's death anniversary... "Oh, baby...."

"Miss her... so I... 'M never gon see her 'gain... chose rebirth.... hate me... annoyed... join Hunters... home f-forever!" He rambled as he sobbed into the other's neck.

"Sunshine... she didn't hate you. She was just scared. She was a kid. She loved you." He reassured as he rubbed the boy's back. Nico whined and shook his head. "But-"

"No buts baby. She loved you. I love you. So many people love you. You're never gonna be alone again. I'm never leaving. I'll be here with you."

"But what if ou die too? Can't lose anyone else...." he cried out clinging to the taller boy tighter. "Baby... I'm not gonna make any promises I can't make. If I do die, know it's not your fault. Although I don't plan to die anytime soon. I love you, baby."

"Mmm loves you too. Lots and lots. Please don't leaves me."

"I love you so much Sunshine. More than you could ever know. I don't plan on ever leaving you if I can help it. That's a promise baby." The healer kissed the boy all over his face, causing the other to let out soft giggles.

"Pinkie promise?" The younger boy asked holding out his pinkie finger. The blonde smiled and wrapped his around the others.

"Pinkie promise."

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