"You don't really care, do you?"

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[ Again, this is a vent fic. No TWs. ]

Schlatt gripped the sleeve of his sweater, watching Wilbur from afar. He'd been hanging out with his friends lately. Never even inviting Schlatt. Just.. Leaving.

Now, Schlatt understood it. Wilbur needed to spend time with his friends, but.. He was starting to leave Schlatt out. He was starting to ignore Schlatt as a whole.

What did Schlatt ever do?

Was it the confession? Was that the problem? Did Wilbur not like Schlatt enough to say 'Oh, sorry man, I'm not into you. But we can still be friends!' or something?

Was Schlatt not that important?

He looked over, finally noticing the yellow sweater in the trash bin. That was Wilbur's. It matched Schlatt's.

Why did it..

Why did he..

He didn't really care, did he?

What the hell was wrong with Schlatt? Why did he think Wilbur would ever care about him? He was useless, anyways.

Schlatt walked off, taking off his sweater and folding it up. He'd wear it again. Maybe.

Maybe one day in the future.

For now, he'd stick with the button-up he was wearing. At least it wasn't a reminder that Wilbur didn't love him at all.

[ And that's the end! Now, for clarification, this hasn't happened to me. But, I have felt how Schlatt has in this fic. Thanks for reading! - Avix ]

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