"An unhealthy obsession" [two]

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Wilbur was ecstatic that he was getting even closer to Schlatt as the days went on. Soon months went by, and then a year.

Wilbur got to learn even more things about his beloved. He eventually ditched his weekly schedule as to where he would stalk Schlatt, since he saw no point in it when he could just show up and Schlatt would be fine with it.

But he kept to it randomly. Mostly when Schlatt was going out with friends in later hours. Other occasions would be if Schlatt hadn't texted him in a while.

Wilbur even took down the shrine of pictures on the back of his closet door, and placed it in a box under his bed. Just in case.

The reason being, if, hypothetically, Schlatt ever came to Wilbur's house, Wil would just have to pick a better hiding place for the boxes and not worry about them.

He'd decided the hiding spot would be in the attic.

Wilbur walked out of his house, humming a song to himself. Along the way he ran into Quackity. "Oh, hey Wilbur. What are you up to?" The other asked.

"Not much." Wilbur replied. "Oh, cool. Hey, I should've told you earlier about this, but I don't have your number or social media or anything, so, uh, yeah. Haha.. Anyways!" He cleared his throat. "So, do you want to come to a party?"

"A party?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah, it's my house." Wilbur was about to say no before Quackity quickly added, "Schlatt's gonna be there."

"Oh. Cool. I'll go, I guess." Wilbur said, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, when of course, his heart was practically pounding out of his chest. Of course, Quackity saw right through it. "You like Schlatt, don't you?"

Wilbur blushed, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Well, I don't know about that, I don't think he's gay or anything-"

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that, Schlatt's pansexual." Quackity explained. "Oh." Wil responded. He hadn't learned about that yet.

Quackity shrugged, his grin only widening. "So, you do like him." Wilbur's face just kept getting redder, confirming Quackity's suspicions for him.

"Well, I'll see you later, Wilbur. I got to find Slime. He wanted to go shopping. He wanted to bring something."

"Oh. Have a great time shopping-?" Wilbur said, waving the man off.

After Quackity left, Wilbur sighed and shook his head. He needed to find Schlatt.

Time Skip

"Oh, hey Wil. What are you doing here?" Schlatt asked when he found Wilbur on his porch. "I wanted to know— If you wanted to go the that party with me."

Schlatt stared at Wilbur for a while, the small smile he had plastered on his face never even once moving.

"Uhm, no homo or anything." Wilbur added.

"Sure. I don't mind, Wil. Doesn't matter if there's homo or anything." Schlatt shrugged, chuckling a bit. Wilbur sighed. "So, you'll go with me?" "Of course!" Schlatt replied, beaming at Wil.

Oh, how that smile made Wilbur melt.

Schlatt invited Wil into his house, and the Brit walked in behind the ram, looking around like he always did when he visited Schlatt, "Erm- Schlatt. I've never been to a party before." Wilbur confessed. "That's totally fine! I'll stick with you if it'll make you feel better."

Wilbur nodded. "Thank you."

Schlatt gave him a thumbs up. "Well, I'm gonna go take a shower. Make yourself at home, Wilbur." "Oh, o-of course! I'll just be here.. Watching some Netflix." Wilbur mentally kicked himself for stuttering.

"Alright, I'll be right back in about two to six minutes."

Wilbur nodded once again, sitting on the couch and picking up the remote to act like he'd watch Netflix the whole time.

Schlatt left the room, and Wil wondered if he should resist the urges to follow Schlatt up to his room.

He decided against it for now, sighing and picking something to wat h for the next six minutes.

At the party

Wilbur and Schlatt had been sitting on a couch for a bit, chatting about certain things and drinking some punch. "So, Wilbur." Schlatt started. "Hm?" "What made you want to ask me to be your- Well—" Wilbur giggled nervously.

"-Date..?" "I'm not really all that sure myself. I just.. Kinda like you and all, Schlatt." Schlatt's face turned a little red. "Oh." Wilbur looked down at the plastic cup in his hand. "That's not a problem, is it? Because I'll back off if you're taken-"

Wilbur was just lying about the backing off. No one could have Schlatt if he had anything to do with it.

"Well, I'm not taken." Schlatt explained. "And it's cool. I kinda like you too, Wil." Wilbur felt like his heart just exploded.

"You- You do?" Schlatt smiled nervously and nodded. "I know it hasn't been very long that we've known each other, but.. I really, really like you." Wilbur practically crushed the cup in his hands.

Schlatt liked him back.

Schlatt scooted over to Wilbur slowly, hoping he didn't make the Brit uncomfy. He had noticed that Wilbur didn't like physical contact all that much.

Wilbur didn't show any signs of discomfort, if anything, he just looked incredibly flustered. He turned to Schlatt, who straightened up a bit and leaned towards Wilbur. "Is this okay? Am I making you uncomfortable?" Schlatt asked quickly.

"No, of course not— I don't mind." Wilbur responded. Schlatt smiled a bit. "So, would you mind if I-"

Before Schlatt could even finish, Wilbur had pulled him into a kiss. After a few seconds, they broke it.

"I'm sorry, I just-" "Wil, it's fine." Schlatt rubbed Wilbur's shoulder. Wilbur grinned nervously. "How about we go somewhere else?" Schlatt suggested. "Uhm, sure-"

Schlatt stood up and grabbed Wilbur by the arm. "Let's go then!"

Wilbur couldn't help but think "holy shit, Schlatt's finally mine. I did it."

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