Part 6 - Rumors

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Side note: this chapter has NOT been looked over, edited, and republished. Please excuse any possible grammar mistakes or a lesser experience than any earlier chapters that have been edited and fixed!! I repeat, this chapter has NOT been edited and republished.

Side Note: Loki uses He/She/They and Mobius uses He/Him

A/N - Spilling the tea, aren't we?

What do you think?" Loki asked the agent that was fixing his hair. Mobius had gotten a surprise call from Ravonna, telling him to meet her in her office. He had no clue why, but it surely couldn't be that great since it was out of the blue. As the two approached it, the god slowed down and leaned up against the wall outside the door. Mobius took a deep breathe, and went inside. Ravonna was sitting in her desk instead of standing like usual, meaning it was about to be a serious serious conversation. "Hello Mobius," her tone colder than usual, "Please have a seat." He did as he was told and kept calm and quiet. "Hey Ravonna," he unsuccessfully lightened the mood. They stared at each other for a moment, "So I've picked up on some things from other employees at the TVA," a blank face, meaning she was about to throw a tantrum, "I'd like to ask you if it's true or not." Mobius slightly shifted around, uncomfortable with where this was going. Ravonna pulled out the handbook that all of the TVA members had read, and memorized. Pulling out the book was something Ravonna rarely ever did, but when she did most people ended up getting pruned afterwards. He gulped and sweat profusely as she stood up, and walked around. "Do you know what I called you in here for, my friend?" She asked Mobius in a very cold tone of voice, shivering cold. He shook his head, "No ma'am." Ravonna chuckled and began turning pages, still walking around. "Rule one-hundred forty-three, one shall not fall in love with a variant with unjustified crimes against the sacred timeline." Shit, he thought. He could sense her dissatisfaction with Mobius. She snapped the book shut, "Everyone has been thinking that you and that Loki variant are dating one another, based upon how the two of you act around one another," she sat on her desk, harshly staring into his eyes, "Now tell me Mobius, is what I am hearing true, or are the employees wrong?" As she finished the question, he blueted out, "no," and it went back to being silent. This was one of the few times where he truly wasn't calm. Ravonna let out a deep breath, "I'd hope so, and I'm going to take your word for it," she sounded calmer than ever, "because you know better than that Mobius, you know that you shouldn't. He should have already been punished by now!" Uncomfortable silence followed, as he tracked his unsteady breath and she crossed her arms. Both of them were not in the best situation. "I've risked a lot for you Mobius," he looked back up at her, "having actually done this would mean that you've crossed the line, ok?" She looked as if she was about to cry. He stood up and gave her a hug, "Anything for you, my friend," he said, comforting her, "For all time." "Always." Mobius broke the hug and left the office. Loki was hurling questions at him, but would answer none of them.

A/N - Ok :>

"Don't come at me bro"

Rav and Mob are really really good friends before the whole Loki shenanigan and stuff.

I just think that it may be under-represented that they are close to one another in the show.

Ok, so what if it's not liked? I don't mind it. R and M being work buddies is great, and has clearly existed since before the Loki show timeline. They've done so much for each other.


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