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(So I deleted Wattpad for a while, but I'm back! Read some of the suggestions, and I'll be using Kittywarriorsandgj's suggestion.)

A breeze whisked through the warriors den, sending a shiver down Fireheart's spine. He pulled himself up, the scent of the warriors den filled his nose. He was relieved to not be cooped up with Yellowfang anymore. As much as he liked the old cat, she was a pain in the tail!

Fireheart strutted out his den, looking around. He glanced back at his forever broken leg, is he really well enough to train Cinderpaw? Maybe he should've stayed with Yellowfang.. Fireheart quickly shook away the negative thoughts, and looked around for Cinderpaw. A few moments passed before he spotted the grey she-cat, sharing tongues with her brother.

"Cinderpaw, Cinderpaw come here." Fireheart called.

Cinderpaw's small ears perked up, and she looked to the orange tom. She instantly shot up, pelting over to the fiery colored cat. She stopped abruptly in front of him, grinning like she was the day she became an apprentice.

"Are you ready for training?" Fireheart asked, looking at the small cat.

"Yes, of course!" Cinderpaw said happily, straightening herself up.

"Good, let's go." Fireheart limped towards the gorse tunnel, the short apprentice right behind him.

The two trotted out camp, straight towards the Sandy Hallow. Snow began to fall from the clouds overhead, thickening the white snow under their paws. Fireheart occasionally looked behind him, to see if the she-cat was still following. She didn't wonder off once! Fireheart smiled, it saved him the trouble of trying to find her.

"What are we going to learn?" Cinderpaw asked once they reached the Sandy Hallow.

"Hm, let's try hunting crouches." Fireheart hummed. "Alright, show me your best hunting crouch."

Cinderpaw quickly got into a hunting crouch. Her legs held her well. Her tail was straight out, and her ears were pricked.

"Good job, but try crouching lower, like this." Fireheart demonstrated, crouching down.

He forgot about his wound at that moment, bringing his back leg down to stabilize himself. He let out a hiss of pain, lifting his leg and instantly wobbling to the side. In a puff of snow, he landed roughly. Cinderpaw quickly got up and ran to his aide.

"Fireheart?" Cinderpaw called worryingly.

"I-I'm fine." Fireheart whispered, pulling himself up. "You have a good hunting crouch."

Cinderpaw smiled, but was still obviously nervous for the 7 moon older cat.

"How about I take you back to camp. My leg is beginning to ache. I'm sorry this session was short." Fireheart sighed.

"It's fine, Fireheart." Cinderpaw purred, pushing her face into his chest comfortably.

They could stay like this for a while.

If Fireheart got hit instead of CinderpawWhere stories live. Discover now