Chapter 4: A monster I've become...

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Meanwhile with Violet...



Violet: WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LOOKOUT?! Sparky told me that it was fixed yesterday...


Violet: And where's everybody?!

Ryder: Violet! We need you here right now!

Violet: Ryder! What's going on here?!

Ryder: Sparky turned into some sort of green giant monster and is rampaging here in Adventure Bay!

Mighty Chase: you're the only one who doesn't have Mighty Pup powers so you can approach him easily!

Violet: Wh-wh-why me?!

Mighty Skye: Everything Sparky hates,is an exact opposite to this monster!

Mighty Ella: We need you to calm him down!

Violet: "Whether day or whether night,no ghost escapes my sight"! I'm on it!
Mighty Sparky: bees...I love bees...*accidentally steps on a bee*

Ryder and the Mighty Pups: *gasp*

Mighty Sparky: ...??!!!!! AAAAHHH!!!! *tantrum*

Mighty Tuck: and...there he goes again...

Mighty Sparky begins destroying everything on sight! He crushed the town hall to pieces,smashed Mr. Porter's cafe,and tumbling down buildings with ease! Nothing seems to stop the raging green thing from going crazy,and the Mighty Pups decides to do one last try on stopping him

Mighty Chase: *runs behind Mighty Sparky's back and punches him in the face numerous times*

Mighty Sparky: *Le headbutt*

Mighty Marshall,Zuma and Everest: *initiate attacks*

Mighty Sparky: *frozen fire-breath*

Mighty Marshall: Oh no!

Mighty Everest: I'm stuck!

Mighty Zuma: *literally frozen on ice* Don't engage!

Mighty Rubble: *digs underneath Mighty Sparky*

Mighty Sparky: *stomps the ground Mighty Rubble's in*

Mighty Rubble: Ow...

Mighty Skye: *summons a tornado underneath Mighty Sparky* Take this!

Mighty Sparky: *super blow* *takes the tornado away* *summons a hammer and tries to hit Mighty Skye*

Mighty Chase: SKYE! NO! *gets hit by the hammer* oof...

Mighty Skye: CHASE! *gets hit by a paw*

Mighty Rocky and Tuck: oh no...

Mighty Ella: Stop! *grows larger than Mighty Sparky*

Mighty Sparky: *Le push*

Mighty Ella: Ow! I was literally just bigger than him,how did he pushed me aside like that?!

Ryder: Pups! Get out of there! Now!

Mighty Sparky: *uses all Mighty Pup powers* I AM BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!!! I,ZARCH,AM BETTER THAN EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE!!! *big bang* DIE!!!
With one mighty stomp,he caused a whole chaos at the Adventure Bay. The Mighty Pups were defeated and they can't fight him off any longer while Ryder got unconscious after the impact. Mighty Chase let out a swift attack again but Mighty Sparky simply grabs him and threw him into the other Mighty Pups. Mighty Sparky claimed his victory and laughed evilly at the now destroyed Adventure Bay. The citizens started to lose hope and there are some who didn't made it. But then out of nowhere,Violet appeared

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