Chapter 3: Quite UNSTOPPABLE!

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Sparky came out of his tent but now...he seems bigger than everyone and he's green...and his eyes are filled with rage from the fact he can't sleep. The pups tried not to make him mad but he already started running around the lookout with too much anger to bear.

Marshall: Is he really that big!? Is he actually just breaking things around us?! Someone hit me! I must be dreaming!

Chase: *hits Marshall*

Marshall: Ow! Oh no! I'm not dreaming!

Chase: And he's heading towards Adventure Bay!

Mighty Sparky: *sees a tree and effortlessly pushed it aside* *continues going ballistic*

Skye: Whoa! Guys,we can't stop him that way! If he can do that much strength to a tree,imagine if he did that to us!

Everest: We can't just approach Sparky like that,he might squish us!

Rubble: Well what now?! We're not going to let him destroy stuff,right?

Ryder: Pups! What's going on?!

Zuma: Ryder! Sparky suddenly went green and big and he might destroy Adventure Bay!

Ryder: Oh no! This is serious...Mighty Pups! To the lookout!

Pups: Ryder needs us!
Meanwhile with the Mighty Twins...

Ella: Hey Tuck! Tag!

Tuck: Hey not fair!


Tuck: huh? What's that?

Ella: I don't remember the Ladybird causing an earthquake like this...

*sees a giant green rampaging dog in a distance*

Ella and Tuck: O_O (Ella: what the? Tuck: is this for real?)

Ryder: Ella! Tuck! Sparky has flipped off in enormous size! I need you two to stop him while we're on our way!

Mighty Tuck: "Mighty and small,I'll give it my all!"

Mighty Ella: "Time to think big! It's grow time!"

Mighty Tuck: how do we stop him?

Mighty Ella: Easy! I'll increase my size to the point he can't go through me! You have to get the civilians away from him!

Mighty Tuck: On it! *starts yelling at the civilians to get out of the way*
Mighty Sparky: *super mad* I!!! WANT!!! SSSLLLEEEEEPPPP!!!! *smashes a car*

Mighty Ella: Sparky! Stop! *grows twice as Mighty Sparky's size* You can't go this way! You'll hurt many people!

Mighty Sparky: ...

Mighty Ella: what?!

Mighty Sparky: *copies power* YOU!! RUINED!!! NAP!!!!! *grows much larger than Mighty Ella*

Mighty Ella: *gasps* uh oh...

Mighty Sparky: MOVE!!! *pushes Mighty Ella aside effortlessly*

Mighty Ella: WHOA!!! *crashes in a playground* did he..? Did he just grew larger?

Mighty Tuck: I got everyone out of the way! What happened to you?!

Mighty Ella: Tuck! Warn Ryder... he's...quite UNSTOPPABLE!
As Ryder and the pups are making their way to Adventure Bay,Ryder receives a call from Mighty Tuck

Ryder: Tuck! Is everything okay? What happened to Ella?!

Mighty Tuck: She was a bit hurt! Sparky just pushed her aside!

The Adventures of Sparky(a PAW patrol Mighty Pups fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now