The drive back to Harolds place wasn't long, but it was quite. No one had anything to say, so no one said anything. And as soon as they got to the house Carter could smell blood.

The door was left slightly open and inside everything was a mess. But what stood out the most was the dead body laying in the middle of the kitchen. It had every type of sharp object sticking out of it and it was missing an eye.

"It's not exactly what I was expecting." Klaus said as he stared at the body.

Elijah sighed. "That's an understatement."

"No sign of Vanya."

"Let's get out of here, before the cops come." Diego suggested. And everyone but Five started walking to the door.

"In a minute." The boy told them. He crouched down beside the body and took the glass eye out of his pocket. Taking off the patch that was covering the missing eye hole, Five popped the glass eye into the socket. "Same eye colour, same pupil size. Guys this is it. The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it-- it's found it's rightful home."

"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse."Diego stated.

"Yay! Let's go." Klaus cheered softly, before trying to walk away. Carter grabbed the back of his shirt to keep him with them.

"No, no. Wait, wait. It can't be this easy." Five told them. "Look, this is the note that I got from the commission. The one that says, 'protect Harold Jenkins', aka Leonard Peabody. But who killed him? who did this?"

Carter nodded, agreeing with the boy. "And why would the commission let it happen?"

"I have a crazy idea." Klaus spoke up. "Crazy, but why don't we find Vanya... and ask her what happened?" But in the middle of the guys sentence, Five blinked away. Leaving all of them standing by the dead body.

"Where the fuck did he go?" Carter ask.

And like he didn't even hear her, Diego answered Klaus' question. "If Vanya got away from this asshole, she might be headed back to the academy."

"Let's head back, then. Shall we?" Elijah spoke for the first time since arriving to the murder scene.


After getting back to the academy the small group split up to look for Vanya. But she wasn't anywhere in the academy.

"No sign of Vanya." Five stated.

"Shes not in any of the rooms." Elijah and Diego told the group.

"Or downstairs." Carter pitched in.

"Well, I'm out." Diego said as he walked away.

"Where are you going?" Five asked him. "Vanya's still out there, and so are Hazel and Cha-Cha."

Diego turned back around to speak. "I know. I'm gonna get my things and then I'm outta here. I got some unfinished business with those fools."

"Just be safe, Diego." Carter called after him before he turned the corner. "I'm gonna go make a sandwich." And with that Carter and Elijah went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Are you okay, Carter?" Elijah asked.

The girl looked at him in confusion.  "Yeah. Of course I am. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. You just seem different. More stressed and jumpy." Elijah said to her. He was concerned for his little sister.

She shrugged her shoulder. " Well, we are trying to stop an apocalypse. And we have crazy men with vervain bullets chasing us. I think it's good that I'm 'jumpy'."

Before the older man could answer, Five walked into the kitchen. "Oh, hey. Wanna have a margarita with me?"

"Yeah, sure. Why not, Five." Carter said.

They both looked to Elijah for his answer. "No thank you. I'm going to go check up on Allison and see how she's doing." He said with a shake of his head.

After he was gone, Carter and Five went to the living room. Once the drinks were finally made, they had a conversation.

"You think we really did it? Think we actually stopped the apocalypse?" Five asked.

Carter took a sip of her drink and sighed. "Maybe. But what are you gonna do now, you know? Cause you've been trying to stop it for most of your life. What do you plan on doing now?"

"Now what?" The boy stopped to think for a little bit. "I don't know. I'm open to suggestion." He chuckled.

"You wanna come with me?" Carter shyly asked after a long silence. "My family has a huge place down in New Orleans. And we're well respected." Before Five had a chance to answer, there was a knock at the door. "Think about it." Carter said as she got off of her seat to answer the door.

On the other side of the door was Hazel. He was standing there all stiff and shit and he had his gun pointed at her. "Hello."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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