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Carina wakes up with a soft yawn, curling into the warm body beside her.

Maya was still sleeping soundly.

Shifting, Carina nuzzles her face against Maya's neck.

Maya shifted but didn't wake up.

After a few minutes, Carina begins placing open mouthed kisses against the blonde's neck.

Maya hummed in her sleep.

Stopping, Carina gently sucks on Maya's pulse point.

Maya moaned, her eyes fluttered.

The brunette shifts and slips a hand between Maya's thighs while continuing to suck on her pulse.

Maya's eyes slowly opened and she groaned slightly as the sunlight invaded her tired eyes.

Shifting, Carina pulls back and connects their lips.

Maya's lips parted slightly in a lazy, sleepy kiss.

The brunette instantly deepens the kiss, her tongue asking for entrance.

Instead of giving Carina's tongue entrance into her mouth, Maya broke the kiss to yawn.

A small pout appears on the brunette's lips.

"Morning." Maya said. "Not that I didn't enjoy it, but what was that for?"

Carina shifts and nuzzles Maya's neck. "I woke up and wanted you but you were asleep."

Maya wrapped her arms around Carina.

The Italian woman began placing kisses against Maya's neck.

Maya gasped.

Carina gently begins sucking on a patch of skin.

Maya tipped her head to the side to give Carina more room.

The brunette moves her hand that was between Maya's thighs and begins rubbing her clit.

Maya's back arched. "Carina."

Smiling against her neck, Carina continues her movements.

Maya moaned.

Shifting, Carina slips two fingers into Maya.

Maya gasped, her back arched higher off the bed.

The brunette didn't stop her movements until Maya crashed over the edge.

Maya relaxed against the bed, panting.

Carina kisses her cheek and pulls her fingers out before moving to wipe them off.

"Wow." Maya panted.

The brunette smiles warmly.

"That was amazing." Maya panted.

Carina nuzzles her neck before pulling away. "I'm glad, however I have to go to work." she says before getting up and heading into the bathroom.

Maya frowned in thought. 'It'll be her turn when she gets home.'

"Maya! There's a spider!" Carina cries out from the bathroom.

"Spider? Where?" Maya asked, getting up off the bed. She didn't like spiders but she knew Carina hated them even more than she did.

"In the shower." The Italian calls out hysterically.

Maya entered the bathroom.

A large black spider was crawling on the wall of the shower. Carina standing on top of the toilet seat in fear.

Maya shivered uneasily.

"Maya, get it!" Carina squeals out, trying to climb onto the sink to be further away.

"I need something to catch it in." Maya said.

The Italian woman was panicking, she was terrified of spiders.

Maya grabbed the old glass that held their toothbrushes, tipped the tooth brushes out and moved to the shower.

The spider was sitting perfectly still.

Cautiously, Maya put the cup down over the spider.

"Thank you Maya." Carina says softly.

Maya turned her head and smiled at Carina.

Carina slowly gets down and moves to start the shower.

Maya took the spider out of the room.


"You rescued her from a spider?" Andy asks teasingly, nudging Maya.

"She's terrified of them." Maya said.

The brunette laughs softly and shifts beside her best friend. "So are you."

"One of us has to be brave." Maya said.

Andy laughs once more. "So that means you then."

"Yup." Maya said. She shuddered at the thought of having to catch every spider for as long as she and Carina were together.

The brunette begins laughing even harder.

"What's so funny?" Vic asks as her and the rest of the team appear.

"Yeah, what's so funny?" Maya asked.

"Maya you're afraid of spiders and trying to be a badass for your girl who is also terrified of spiders." Andy responds causing the rest of the team to laugh as well.

"It's not funny." Maya said.

Travis chuckles and nods his head. "It kind of is."

"Shut up." Maya said.

They all laugh once more just as the alarm goes off.

Maya ran towards the fire engine bay.

The rest of the team follows behind her.

They all got their gear and climbed into the fire engine.

Maya was already in the driver's seat.

Andy climbed in the passenger seat. "Ready to go?"

Maya nodded. "Ready."

They begin driving to the fire.

When they arrived, they all got out to assess the situation.

"Looks pretty stable Cap." Jack says, moving over to her.

"We won't know that for sure until we get up there." Maya said.

Vic nods her head in agreement. "How are we doing this?"

"I'll go up and ventilate, Hughes, Warren, treat the victims and find out how many people are missing." Maya said.

Andy frowns slightly. "I don't think ventilation is safe."

"We have to try." Maya said.

"Maya, the roof doesn't look safe." Andy responds instantly.

"That's why I'm going." Maya said.

The brunette instantly shakes her head. "No, think about Carina."

"I'm not putting anyone else at risk." Maya said. "I'll go up. I'm the lightest. The roof will hold me."

"No, I don't agree with this plan. None of us do." Andy responds immediately, shaking her head.

"I'm the captain, don't argue with me." Maya said.

Andy crossed her arms. "I will when you're doing something completely stupid and reckless."

"Herrera. The longer we stand here and argue, the more people will die. I'm going up there." Maya said and without another word, she walked away. She approached the fire engine, climbed onto it and began climbing the ladder to the roof.

"So you don't care about leaving Carina behind?" Andy calls up to her.

"Of course I care, but someone has to do this and I'm not willing to put anyone else's life in danger." Maya yelled back, she stepped onto the roof. 

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