~Chapter 28~

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A/N- If you wanna get in the same sort of mood I was in while writing this, Listen to God damn You're Beautiful by Chester See while you read this! It's what I listened to on repeat haha.


When I opened my eyes my brain had to register where I was yet again, for the third time since we'd arrived in London. I was instantly aware of the soft and comfortable double bed I was laid on, and the pair of hands slung over my body, as well as the manly legs wrapped around mine. I'd half sunken into the bed, it was that comfy, and the doona had almost covered my face, but from the corner of my eye I could make out the mop of hair that was Luke's, his face turning away from mine.

I tried to slip out of his grip slowly, but he only held on tighter, turning his face toward mine, eyes still closed.

"Don't go yet." He managed to croak out, in his crackly morning voice.

He pulled me close, so my back was against his front, his arms and legs wrapped tightly around me as his chin snuggled into my shoulder. I could've gone back to sleep, in the state of comfort that I was in, but Instead I lay awake, my eyes wandering around the room, as I listened to Luke's deep sleeping breaths, and felt his heart beating against my back.

I enjoyed the peace and quiet for what must've been all of 3 minutes, before the bedroom door opened, and I heard two voices at the door.

"Its breakfast time!" one said, in an attempted British accent. Michael.

"Would you like some Wheaty-bix Michael?" Calum said, he too attempting a British accent.

"Jolly well I do Calum!" Michael replied, their voices ever so slightly increasing in volume.

The two boys sat on the end of the bed, unknowing to the fact that one of the bed occupants was awake.

"Does Luke want some Wheaty-bix?" Calum's accent was improving with every sentence.

"No Luke wants some freaking peace and quiet. And by the way, we call it Weetbix in Australia."

Luke mumbled, in his extremely Australian accent. His eyes stayed firmly shut. I felt the weight on the end of the bed disappear as the two boys got up, having a laugh to themselves before they shut the door.

I turned my head so Luke's head rested in the crook of my neck rather than on my shoulder.

"Grumpy Luke, eh?" I laughed.

He started to protest in his sleep, but I'd planned ahead. I turned my body to face his, and without warning, placed my cold hands on his toned chest, under his shirt. His eyes flew open, just as I'd pressed my lips to his. My hands warmed up quickly on his warm skin, though his hands were soon around my wrists, pulling them from his torso. I slid them down to rest on his hips, pressing my stomach against his and sharing the warmth between us. Luke slowly woke up, returning my kisses before breaking them off completely.

I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me in a cute, cheeky way.

"You're hungry in the morning. And not the food type of hungry, Lexi..."

He laughed, running his forefinger along my jaw.

"You're so...Perfect right in the morning. No makeup -not that you wear much anyway-, sleep in the corners of your eyes, that dopey half asleep but horny look on your face... goddamn you're beautiful Alexis."

I blushed and looked down at the bed sheets. But Luke had other ideas. His forefinger landed under my chin, lifting it up so our eyes met again. His eyes were a deeper, darker blue, something I'd noticed of late whenever our time together got heated, beyond a few kisses. It wasn't a bad thing, I quite enjoyed experimenting, finding out the little things that could turn him on.

"You should wake me up like that more often, minus the cold hands part." He breathed, rubbing his nose against mine. I laughed quietly, sticking my tongue out to touch the corner of his mouth.

"We're waking up in London now, my hands are always gonna be cold. Baby its cold outsiiiiiideeee!" I attempted to sing to him. My voice wasn't the best so soon after waking up.

"Baby you need singing lesssonnsssss!" Luke sang back, in the same tune. I frowned. He winked, giving me a light kiss before rolling out of my grip and out of the bed.

"C'mon' I think it's snowing outside!" He said, and childishly ran out the bedroom door.




Tell me what your favourite Alukis moment has been in the book so far??

-Steph xo (:

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