Self defence

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The sheer happiness on Sofia's face to be going out, made me smile as I watch her head out with mollie and Anna, I can't help but worry I'm sure she'll be fine she's got 8 of my trusted men with her, I head back to my office I had a meeting with kane my father and Connor about Leon.

The meeting felt like it went on for hours while I had Sofia in my mind constantly checking my tracking on her and asking My men how things are, I won't relax until their back, I had an idea for when she's back I want to show her something.

In the meeting we discussed Leon's man we've got in the warehouse and what Leon's nexts move is.

" so he's got men on watch for Sofia. He knows we've got his man locked up" my father said

" but what I don't get is why this fuckers not dead yet?" Kane asked looking bored of the meeting

" oh he will be, you know we can't go all guns blazing. Not yet anyway" Connor snapped back to Kane.

" gentlemen we've got bigger fish to fry now. Iv had this file sent over this morning. Conrad I think you should take a look" my father said sliding me a file over.

In the file was pictures of Sofia, everywhere from her apartment to naked ones, my blood boiled whos taken these pictures of her? Old pictures of her and that cop ex boyfriend " these are not recent ones she's been here for weeks . It's a threat. And probably to piss me off she's not been with the ex boyfriend for ages"

" yes Conrad but look. It's from Italy. They know. Read the note"

I flipped over the file and found a note hand over Sofia and all will be forgotten. Don't? And you and everyone you've ever loved will die.

" who the fuck sent this? What I don't understand is why Sofia? There's more to this then meets the eye and I'm going to figure it out" I stood up and walked downstairs when I heard the girls where back.

" come sofia. I want to show you something" i took her shopping bags and given them to Anna " please take these up to my room Anna"

I led Sofia to a door which had a key code, I put my code in and the door immediately opened, I entered and held the door for Sofia. " this is my employee side of the house. Come" I held my hand out for her so I could lead her in.

" wow it's so busy on this side. Full of children. It's like a whole different world" Sofia said looking around. I led her outside and into a huge field where people were fighting and training.

" this is my training fields. Out here mafia members my men guards, all my team they train here"

One of my men jogged up me " hey boss what's up? "

" sofia this is Tony. Head of training. This Tony is Sofia"

" ah yes the sofa. Nice to meet you" Tony held his hand out to shake.

" Tony I want you to teach Sofia self defence and how to use a gun"

" use a what now? No no I'm not using a gun" Sofia argued

" target practice. Yes Sofia you will learn. Start now. Sofia listen to Tony no sulking"

Sofia huffed but agreed and went off with Tony.

" I'll be back in a few hours Sof"

She turned round and stuck her tongue out, i chucked and made my way back inside.

" so now your bringing her to the fucking training ground?!" Lola shouted

" Lola I will have you things removed from my house and you will now stay on the employee side. I am your boss you don't get to fucking speak to me like that. Do you understand Lola?!" I got in her face that's twice in the same day she's made comments about sofia.

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