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It had been about a half a year since I last talked to Urokodaki when I found myself knocking on his door again. However this time I was invited to come and was not there based on my own decisiveness. I waited a few short moments before Urokodaki opened the door wearing his usual Tengu mask. He greeted me and gestured for me to follow him inside.

We hadn't even entered the main room when I heard someone say my name, "Tomioka-san!" Tanjiro rushed out of the main room and stopped right before me, a tired-looking Nezuko followed behind him. "Well hello, Tanjiro and to you as well Nezuko," I said while patting Tanjiro's head. I noticed he seemed to lean into my hand. Tanjiro was clearly excited to see me, he kept rocking in his heels unable to stay still. Even in her tired state Nezuko seemed to be happy to see me as well. Urokodaki gestured towards the main room and said, "Well shall we go sit down and catch up with each other?" I nodded along with Tanjiro, and we all continued to the main room.

Once in the main room, we sat down so we could talk comfortably. I took notice that all the curtains were closed to not let any of the sunlight in. "Well, I see you two have woken up from your slumber. How does it feel?" I asked looking at the siblings. Nezuko let out a series of muffled words Tanjiro acted as her translator, "She says that she is happy to be awake but is confused. I agree with her I am quite confused as well." Urokodaki looked at me, "I believe you should be the one to explain things to them." I sighed not knowing where to start with my explanation.

"Well to start with, as you both know you are now demons. A demon is a creature that feasts on human flesh. As far as we know demons have two weaknesses wisteria and sunlight. If a demon is in direct sunlight they will burn and subsequently die." At this Tanjiro made a small noise. "However, it is not hard to avoid the sun," I said to ease his nerves. "When it comes to demons there are many things that make them superior to humans. Most can heal their wounds, the stronger they are the faster they can heal. Others possess a special ability called blood demon art. This allows them to do things that are impossible for humans." I stopped there to see if either Tanjiro or Nezuko had any questions. Tanjiro did, "When we first met you said something about being a demon slayer. What is that?" I sighed and turned to Urokodaki. He just shook his head and said, "This is your mess therefore you will be explaining."

I held in a remark and continued my explanation, "Demon Slayers are just what the name suggests, we slay demons. Now before you freak out unless you prove yourself to be harmful, I will not hurt you." Tanjiro and Nezuko both nodded their heads in understanding.

Nezuko turned to her brother and said something. He translated for us, "She wants to know how you kill a demon if they can just regenerate themselves." Before I could answer Urokodaki did, "You must use a nichirin blade and you must cut their head off. That is the only way they will not be able to regenerate." Both Tanjiro and Nezuko were shocked at this news seeing as they just learned the only way to kill themselves.

I continued my explanation, "We demon slayers not only use nichirin blades but we also use breathing techniques. This allows us to harness the power of the elements to aid us in our attacks even though we are not using said elements. There are many different types of breathing techniques but they all derive from the main ones, which are water, flame, wind, stone, and thunder." Tanjiro's eyes widened, "That sounds so cool!" Nezuko nodded her head in agreement.

"Well, I believe that should be everything I need to explain. Any questions that you two have?" I asked Tanjiro and Nezuko. They shook their heads no which made sense since they just learned a lot of new information.

Urokodaki turned to me and asked me about the plan. I'm glad that he asked about it because if he hadn't I would have likely forgotten to tell the siblings about it. Tanjiro turned towards me, "What plan?" "Urokodaki and I do have a small reason for keeping you guys here. We wish to train you guys so you can join the demon slayer corps." I said as both Tanjiro's and Nezuko's eyes widened. "Wouldn't we be killed by the rest of the demon slayers though?" Tanjiro asked us, I nodded however Urokodaki spoke, "Well, that's why you both will have to prove to them that you are not harmful to humans. Which is also why we are training you both." Tanjiro made a sound of realization.

I looked to the curtains to see that there was no more sunlight streaming through them. "I really should be leaving now," I said as I got up. Everyone else followed me to the door. "Will you come to visit again?" Tanjiro asked with a sad tone. "Yes, I will be here at least once a month to check up on you guys. So next time I come I do expect to see some improvements." Both Tanjiro and Nezuko nodded determinedly. Which was good because now they would train hard.
932 words
A/N- Please comment your opinions on my last chapter so I can know what you all would like me to do.

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