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Chef executive Arianna : so your saying
Is Ms.Eva bit everyone and whom and all she bited became an aggressive monsters is this what your tying to say miss Alexa?

Executive officer Alexa : yes mam and also I am trying to say is as these monsters bite the other humans who are not monsters  soon the humans will also turn into monsters.

Chef executive officer Arianna : miss Alexa please stop! Is there anything professional information?

Executive officer Alexa : mam there is also a most professional information that all should know including media.

Chef executive officer Arianna : what is it?

Executive officer Alexa : it is that all the monsters can be considered as zombies and when they see humans they go crazy.....

Chef Executive officer Arianna : miss Alexa what do you mean by crazy? Do you mean just like people who are mentally ill?

Executive officer Alexa : mam I wanted to explain by showing this example video but before that you taught it was just a disease just take a look at this video ma'am

(Video of Luna behavior after getting bitten by eva)

Chef Executive officer Arianna : this, this is a big problem in here I guess I mean I don't get is it real I doubt it, how can a human turn into a such a monster who bites other human?

Executive officer Alexa : this is what I am trying to say mam please just look at the video how aggressive those Monsters are I mean Zombies are even though we are surrounded by great Great Powerful soldiers but defeating them isn't a joke not even a great great Powerful very powerful soldiers cannot defeat them, I think the outside soldiers must be already zombies we are stuck in here I guess the outside world is completely destroyed even the gym has many many victims who was bitten so if we co-operate with United Kingdom we can get from this living hell I doubt that they are human beings outside this office why because as if any of us can just take a peek outside maybe you can realize it too. But for just a good ae for us we need to send some rescue team.

Chef executive officer Arianna  : that's impressive miss Alexa. So let's listen what's other thought about this disease.

Officer 1 : I guess as miss executive officer Alexa set we need to send some Rescue Team to just get a good name as we know there no other human in this outskirts may be somewhere else my be there but in this area there is no one so let's go and collaborate with United kingdoms for our life over.

Executive officer Alexa : thank you so much for your good side thought about me and my project.

Officer 6 : I don't agree with this idea.

Arianna and Alexa:  what's wrong?

Officer 6 : what if humans are alive? will you just leave them over there in that hell in that scary place?

Arianna : so you are saying is the other humans are alive from the this? Look miss even though we send Rescue Team we will not save them because no one knows who are infected.

Back to present fighting near grill

Ansley : windy what should we do?

Windy : about what?

Ansley:  about stally she is stuck in the car.!

Stally : says who?!!!

Ansley : stally!

Windy : stop those emotions... these little rats are trying to bite me tho Ansley and James you both work in team to find the place.

Harley : over hear Brother! I got a place to hide.

Windy : run over there fast!

Ansley : you also come!

Windy : shut that hell and move fast!!!! I can not control everyone but I am trying, go from here or I think I might shit in my pants now.!!

Thank you

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