Michael keeps his composure. "Fuck no."

The sounds of a helicopter stroll through the air, along with loud sirens coming from police cars. The glorious lights flicker from the helicopter and point to each person, except for my own shadow.  The only say they could've find their way, is because of James.

Cat woman suddenly appears through the opening stairs, holding a jet-black shotgun at the joker. "You know, cops talks a lot when you're out and about, Batman." I catch a glimpse of her and hand her a nod for her cooperation.

The Joker is wild with rage by now, pressing the gun's tip onto Davion's head. "Brilliant! Now we have more people that I didn't ask for!"

"It's over. Let him go." I take a step further. However, he didn't take it lightly.

The joker shots in the air, causing Michael to take a step backward, and Selina's shocking expression. "Don't come near now! I don't have a problem sending a child to the man of heavens!"

"Police! Freeze!" the loud sounds through the speaker echo from the helicopter. "Leave the child!"

The joker laughs hysterically and waves the gun back to Davion. "Oh, come on! We are supposed to play a game!"

Michael groans and shakes his head in denial. "Thought it was you and me, huh?"

"You are more than an idiot, I see," The joker blows a whoosh of air and takes a couple of steps back, aiming to the edge of the building. "You know, it would be legendary to take down a Wayne, but a child? Very rare and special for a billionaire. But wait, where is Bruce?" He bluffs sarcastically.

Davion can't hold his tear back from almost drowning in his spit, shaking in fear. However, Catwoman slowly inches closer, but Joker keeps his eyes on all of us.

"So this is what we will do," the Joker licks the blood from the corner of his life, darting his eyes back and forth. "Batman and Crawford are going to their corne. And whatever you are," he glares at Selina. "You are doing the same. Or I'm blowing this kid's brain up like confetti."

Selina gazes over me, and I give her a simple nod to follow his instructions. She shrugs defeatedly and do so, except for Michael.

"You told me we were gonna do this together!" Michael shouts and takes a step forward, which Joker copies — except he walks backward.

"Get your ass over there!" the Joker rages from his lungs, pointing the gun at us. "Come on, move!"

I trail my eyes to Michael. "Shoot his hand," my voice lowers, yet I still catch his attention. His expression drops until he lingers back to the Joker and punches the bullet out of the gun, aiming at the surface of his hand.

The bullet flows through his palm in high speed, until it plants its target. The joker yells painfully and clutching Davion harder. My feet quickly jump into a run, as fast as possible. Michael tries to stroll off towards the stairs, but Selina hold him still threatening him with the shotgun.

I shift my position, and my feet cross, left in front of right. I spun on my left foot, the right coming up and out, catching the jokers squarely in the jaw. He parts out a loud groan, dropping Davion with an instant in which I quickly grab him from falling back to the opening end of the solid ground from the building, ultimately landing my body on the floor. Davion grabs his tiny hands onto my arm while hanging off the building almost.

However, the joker sits on my back and grabs his signature knife beneath my throat, psychopathically laughing at this point. "What if we carve a smile onto your lips while you watch your son fall?"

"Get off me!" I spat out my rage freely, yet struggling to hold onto Davion, once the clown grabs my head to face the sky.

"Batman!" The sound of Selina's voice goes off.

The joker presses the knife between my corners, but it's too late. Selina takes the chance to run over and let Michael get away while kicking him off me. A fight emerges pretty fast between Joker and Selina, in which I quickly yank Davion up. Police officers stroll up the stairs once they catch onto the Joker and Catwoman. However, the joker somehow manages to collapse Catwoman with his beating. He grabs hold of her collar from the black suit, dragging her body over the edge. My first instinct is to hand Davion over to the police officers and flee toward him.

I move my upper body neatly to his right, leaving my left foot planted, leg out like a tripwire. The clown tries to launch after me but trips, and as he falls forward, I slam my elbow back into the man's gut and snap my fist up into the man's face. The joker gathers his strength and launches after me; however, the fight continues until he slips through the edge, almost falling to his death. My hand quickly jumps to grab him and drops my body to the floor oncr again.

The joker laughs, even more, wiggling around for his amusement. "Now kill me!"

"No!" I grit my teeth together, using both hands to grab his arm while lifting him up slowly.

The joker narrows his eyes, dangling with his feet. "No?" With that, he slashes the knife onto my hand.

it causes a quick pattern of pain planting onto my hand, groaning in pain before my hand gives up. My eyes widen in shock, watching the joker find it funnier the more he falls to his own death, taking his own last breathh. The sounds of the helicopters fly around until the pilot decides to lower down; blood fiddles on the stone-cold sidewalk in the middle of the night, leaving his body in various position.

Despite this being my first time watching someone die of their own will; without wanting to be saved, is horrifying.

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