Love to Lose(unedited)

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Was she sorry for herself or him or for Moses who was ready to give up everything for her?

"Okay, take breakfast then I will take you shopping. I don't want you to suffer during exam time." He said moving closer to her.
"There will be no exams for me." She said and covered herself with the blanket from head to toe.
She was bitter, she was broken, and felt like she did not deserve to do the exam as a punishment for things she had done.
"My love, tell me what's going on." He begged and laid beside her crossing his hand to her body until she turned to face him with tears.
"Am a poor little girl, you don't deserve to be with me, I will just stress you." She said. Hot tears flowed to her nose.
"I don't want you to cry, my love. Tell me what I can do to help. You're my princess I will do anything to keep you smiling like you were last night. You were just glowing with so much love and happiness." He said.
"I have so many things I want to achieve Raj, but I can't for now. Am just too tired of the situation."
"Just tell me, honey. What is going on?'" He pleaded again.
"I can't pay for my fee balance and...
" ha ha ha!" He laughed
"Come on, stand up and take your breakfast and we can talk okay. Come on..." He gave her a hand and she stood not knowing what he meant.
After taking a warm shower he held her took the dress and asked her to smile. She tried to.
" come on be quick I know ladies can be somehow slow. I don't want you to be late for revision."
she looked at her and wondered what he meant by revision but she was not in the mood for questions. She had already given herself and she wasn't ready to give him her moods.
"Okay let's go." She said.
"Wait, a picture together? I want to remember every moment we spent here." She wasn't comfortable with it but she made a fake smile and he took the picture.

Moses made a few phone calls and he was registered to present something for the exhibition.
"With this, I will pay her school fees if I win. I will surprise her." He said in his heart. What is hidden in the dark belongs to the dark unless a flashlight hits the darkness.
"When will I see you again princess. Raj packed the car close to the school gate.
" I don't know." She said.
"Okay, here, you go revise and pass that exam. I'll pick you up when you're done end month will be cool to see me before you go home, I love sweet things like getting honey from a honeycomb." He handed her an envelope and she knew it was money.
"Wait I didn't tell you how much my balance was." She was surprised.
"I know, I asked how much students pay and I got the answer. You couldn't stop saying how bad you feel for your mother. In short, you told me almost everything."
"Raj, this is too much." She said.
"I brought you early because you need to go and pay, revise and forget being stressed."
" Raj the shopping is already enough. You didn't have to."
" you can't give your finance office your shopping and let you do exams. You needed this. It's just a hundred thousand. Relax. I want you to be happy Penina." She couldn't hold herself. She opened her arms and he knew what to do. Then he wiped her tears and kissed her and kept driving to the school gate.
"I brought a student, she went shopping."
"Who are you to her?" The gateman asked.
"Ah, she is my cousin." He said and Penina wanted to burst out with a peal of laughter but he couldn't.
When they got to the dorm her friends came to help her with the shopping. Raj hugged Penina and drove back to town for work.
After the exams, Penina aught to forget about the distress and all she wanted to do was to be at Moses' place.
She prepared herself and called Moses before she left. "Am coming, babe." Moses was a little excited or more nervous, he went back to his study.
He wanted to surprise her at home but he thought, "I will just take her with me tomorrow."
When she got out of the school gate, excited to get a motorcycle she was blocked by a car. Raj! He was right there waiting for her.
"I wanted to surprise you but am surprised instead. Did you know I was coming?" He asked getting out of the car.
"Kinder," she lied and felt a part of her embarrassed but her other part urged her to behave normal and act as if everything is okay.
"That's great. So you're done with exams. I brought you a special lunch with your friends. Don't worry I won't take too long I know you got to rest. Spend time with friends." He said. He seem to be in a hurry to go somewhere and it was a good thing on Penina's side. She wanted to see Moses on "Aron or Pharaoh" her heart should know the difference.
She took the career bag back to the dorm with her friends. She was hungry and the meal was too appealing to her eyes. She loved to fish but the meals were packed differently.
Moses patiently waited and he was getting worried. When he called her, she never picked up.
Penina on the other hand lost her phone, she wasn't sure where she had misplaced it. She had to make a choice, stay back and find her phone or go to Moses without it.
The sun's rays had lost their power of light and heat to the earth and slowly gave room for darkness to invade the earth when Moses knocked at the gate.
It was Penina, she was sad to have kept him waiting and on the other hand, she could not find her phone.
"Nina I called you a hundred times. Ate you okay." Always caring for Moses the feeling arose a bitter guilty part she wanted to hide.
"Am fine. I just lost my phone. Am not sure." They got inside and Moses was somehow relieved to see her, he quenched the thirst of missing her.
When Moses was driving back, he heard a phone ring from the passenger's seat. It was Lenina's phone. He stopped and see how he could get to give back.
He decided to be late for the meeting just to return the phone to Penina or another option he could receive the call and send money to one of her friends so she can buy a new one. He stood for some time and decided to drive back to campus. "I will call her friend she will inform her. Poor penina she must be crying."
As he drove the phone kept calling and messages kept coming in. He got curious and checked. On the notification it was Moses.
"I thought they broke up." He drove back after calling her friend and she told him Penina was not in the room.

He just went to the meeting even though his mind was absent from it. He couldn't stop the thoughts that came inside of his head.
"Mr. Raj," are you with us?" One of the directors asked.
"Yes. The idea is great. He faked a smile."
"If we all like the idea, we should write down a proposal and everything we need to commence the project. Dismissed."
It was late when the meeting came to an end. Raj tracked the call and drove to the gate. Packed the car beside a road and saw his girlfriend with his boyfriend going in from buying something to eat maybe. He just watched.
"It's strange that someone can pack their car here. Did you see the car?" Moses asked when they got to the sitting room.
"No, I did not." She said. But I will be happy if it was yours. Am thinking of a lot that can happen in the car with you and me." She smiled.
"You're something else ." he laughed.
Raj drove away. And a few minutes later there was a knock at the gate.
"Were you expecting anyone?" She asked
"No, just you. I will go and check." He said.
"Okay, I will start cooking."
When he came back he was holding her phone.
"Babe. It's your phone." He said.
"Where did you get it from?" She asked curiously.
"A young boy was at the gate saying he was given by a guy with a car to bring it to you, but he is gone." Her heart lurched. Her face frowned.
"That's strange. But it is my phone."
"Good people are rare but how did the guy know how to find you?" He asked.
"Am not sure,"
"Anyways, your phone is back that's what matters."
"Yeah." She said unsure if she should be worried or be happy.
The night was long, Penina kept thinking of how her phone could get lost and a boy brings it to her. Could that guy be Raj? But he doesn't know where Moses leaves. Who told him I came here anyways?" Weird questions ran through her minding, hiding answers from her understanding and she felt restless until Moses woke up.
"Babe, are you okay?" He asked sounded sleepy. He slowly moved close to her. He switched on the light and she just turned to his face, looked straight into his eyes, bite her lips, and wondered how to begin confessing. She had no words so she played along to engage Moses in her emotions. Inside her dreamland, nightmares invaded and when she woke up Moses was out of bed already.
"Innocent sweet man, how can I fix the mistake I made." She thought when she saw him making breakfast and singing.
"Hey, babe, good morning. Sit, breakfast will be served soon." He said reducing the fire from the gas cooker.
"Am taking you somewhere today. We just have to eat very fast shower, no dilly delays honey please." He said placing well-made sand witches and a glass of fresh banana smoothie.

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