- I lack confidence. 

It happens! Sometimes we have a super big chapter to write about a really intense topic, and we just do not feel like we are good enough. But, trust me, you are good enough! I believe in you!

- I no longer feel interest in my story. 

Let's face it: stories take time to write. A 100,000 word novel, assuming you write 1,000 words a day, would take 100 days. That's not including planning or editing. That's over three months of writing something, and like, that's longer than any of my relationships have ever lasted. So, not only do you need commitment, but you also need patience and focus. 

And, sometimes, we have to accept that it is okay to move on to another story. But sometimes, it is worth fighting for. 

- I have no idea what to write next in my story. 

Which is also fair! It's hard to have sight of every moment in a 100,000 word novel. 

- I am not happy with anything I write. 

The perfectionism in us sometimes takes over, and makes it really challenging to want to write because we are too busy shrivelling up every time we jot down a word. It's tough! Sometimes, we are way too critical, and we just want things to be perfect instantly. 

- I am being pressured by friends/family/readers to write something a certain way. 

And, once we fall into this trap and it's no longer authentic, then it naturally is harder to write. 

- I just read another book and now I feel like mine isn't good enough. 

Lemme hug you. Lemme. 

You are good enough. Always. Those other writers have also felt the exact same way. 

- I feel like no one notices my story so... what's the point? 

When we don't have an audience, and we feed off people responding to our works, it can be super difficult to take this in. We have to get used to writing for ourselves, sometimes, as opposed to others. 

- I am dealing with some sort of circumstance (such as depression) where it is very difficult to find motivation to do anything, let alone write. 

In which I urge you to seek some professional help and therapy, and remember that you are not alone and that you are loved!

- I have found a plot hole. 


(No, for real, it's not the end of the world. I promise.)

- I am easily distracted. 

This is less writer's block and more procrastination station, but still a valid reason to not be writing! I have heard rumours that this story itself, actually, is highly distracting for people trying to write. Whoops. My bad. 

- I simply don't have time. 

In which, man... I don't know what to tell you, except, either a) try to find time or b) make those short moments you do have to write as powerful as possible.

Now, I'm not sure if I've covered all of them.

In fact, I probably even covered half of them. But that's because, if I tried to stay back and cover every single reason every single person has experienced Writer's Block (I mean, seriously, I've heard of someone who couldn't write their story because they had a giant crush on their character and because too invested in him that they couldn't write the chapter where they died), I would be here for literally weeks. 

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