Third Person's POV
   Isolde walks into the dining room where the king sat having lunch.

"Ah, my queen" he gleams.

"My Lord" she came closer and pecked his cheek as she drags a chair to sit on.

"Today you joined me, praise the gods" he whispered and she just laughed.

"I guess I did, I didn't want to disturb this amazing lunch" she winked.

"Oh nonsense, join me " he smiled taking her hands into his and Isolde used the other hand to dig into some dish.

Triton always lover Isolde, she was his first love. It was same for Isolde but something changed her mind.

"Your majesty, it's been long since we took a stroll" she began almost immediately.

"Hmmm, I guess so, where would you like to stroll to?" He asks and she smiled.

"What about the whistling waters?" Isolde pressed on looking at the king with only one good eye and a terrible one when he faces his plate.

"It's been a while though, you'd like to go there?" He asks smiling and she gives him the good eye when he looked at her again.

"Only if it pleases you," she says, she had her ways of getting her prey with her exceptional beauty.

Triton nods"guard!" He calls out and immediately a guard walks in.

"Yes, sire?" He bows.

"Prepare the horses immediately, for I and my queen" he simply says and the guard dashes out hurriedly.

"You see, you are the best" Isolde gleamed.

"Anything for my queen," he says facing his food, and Isolde smiles wickedly at him.


Irene's POV
I had already left home and now we just arrived at the whistling waters, they call it that because some say voices speak through it. I never knew if it were true. Hadrian took out picnic blanket, spreads it on the ground and slumps down on his back sighing heavily.

"We would have gotten here earlier if you would have taken your horse" I began, scolding him and I place my hands on my woolen jacket. I didn't wear a gown, rather I wore a pair of my father's pants that were too tight for him, an armless shirt, and I covered it with my woolen husk.

Hadrian laughed"don't stand there scolding me, come sit" he taps the space next to him, I eyed him a little before take the space up, he still laid down but I sat up.

"Hadrian?" I started again wanting to ask him something. 

"Hmmm," he joked.

"When are you getting married to Natasha?" I asked sheepishly, it was probably none of my business but I just wanted to know. His expression changed.

"I am sorry I do not mean to be a pry" I apologize almost immediately. 

"It's alright, just lie down and feast your eyes on the beautiful sky" he smiles, and I face him shaking my head in disagreement. I was already uncomfortable spending time with him even if it was what I wanted.

"Stay still " he whispered and the expression he had on his face made me shiver.

"What's th_at?" I shutter.

"Shhh," he said and immediately went behind my back so close to me and he brought me down to lie and faced me smiling mischievously.

"Hadrian!" I hit him.

He just smiles and opens his palm as a firefly flew out of his hand.

"Just a fly" he smiled at me with our bodies and faces just a breath away, he still faced me. I entered a fit of giggles at his silly action and hit him on his chest. He joined in laughing for a few seconds before an awkward silence crept in. I was very uncomfortable, I wanted to move but I knew very much my heart wanted me to stay.

"What are you doing to me, Irene?" He whispers fixing our eyes on each other, still a breath away.

"I don't know" I confess but it was the truth, Hadrian smiled. He drew even more close and I grew numb.

Time stopped when his lips met mine but the flutter in my chest only heightened. My heart pounded in my chest as my knees got weak, he took his hand to my face, taking part of my hair to the back of my ear. My eyes sneaked a guilty peek at him every time he came back for air, he kept teasing me just to make sure it wasn't my imagination. I motioned my hands around his neck to meet his hair and I just trickled my hands in them. My whole body tingled and Hadrian smiled. The passionate feeling of our calm heartbeat stopped as the neighs of horses approached us and immediately let go of each other.

"Hadrian" the king said on seeing us, unfortunately, he came with Isolde. Oh no! It was the king. What have I done?

"Father," Hadrian says still calm with his lips apart. I quickly got off the carpet and bent my hand fumbling with my hands. 

"Seize the both of them" he motioned his hands to the guards behind him and immediately they took pushed me forcefully. Another guard moves to Hadrian but he fought back, another guard joined in and they both held onto him.

"Father!" Hadrian called out.

"I said take him" the guards obey and pushed him, my face moves to Isolde  who was now smiling wickedly.

What I'm going to do now?? I feared thinking of the earlier warm moment.


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