Chapter Eleven

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Irene's POV
Cheers and screams filled the stadium since it was the finals, it was Hadrian versus whoever. I don't know his name but Leo says he's strong.

"Soo... Irene?!"Leo yells.

"I can hear you, you're next to me !"I say yell because of the noise in the stadium.

"Oh.. sorry," he says calmly this time.

I giggle"what's wrong?"I ask.

"I saw it"my legs lost control and my palms started sweating, what did he see?

"What...what...what do you mean?"I ask nervously.

"Oh, you know".

My eyes darted"I know?".

"Oh, you know that I know".

"What do you know?"I try to trick him.

"Oh, you know what I know what you know".

I have to let go" oh that, you saw" I said sheepishly.

Leo chuckles"Don't be shy, it's just a kiss" when he said this, I remembered I and Hadrian's moment, it was more than a kiss to me, the tension between us and the way he brought nothing but warmth in my chest.

I heaved a sigh.

"I know but it was more than that, what I'm I saying, it was just a mistake"I try to convince myself.

"But you kissed him back"oh yes I did" and what if he thinks it was not a mistake?"Leo pointed out but before I could say anything, the whistle was blown for the contestants to come out.
The game is played when two players get on horses, one on one end and the other on the other end, both with their maces. They move when the flag goes up, and the first player to get their opponent down on the floor wins the game.

"Welcome the noble, sir Andrew"the stadium coach acknowledges the first contestant and he is greeted with a round of applause.

"That person doesn't look like sir Andrew," Leo says.

I frown at him"how would you know? he's wearing his helmet" they all wear their helmet before they come out for performance.

"Well, Sir Andrew uses his left always, this one seems to use his right and that's weird," Leo says.

"Then who's this one?"I ask.

"I have no idea".

"Welcome his opponent, from the kingdom of Sira, the knight Sir Chad"the crowd grew wild with applause.

My heart skipped a beat when Hadrian came out on his horse everyone still thinking of him as another. The flag went up and the two horses took off, the first hit was missed by Hadrian"ohhhh" the audience went. The horses came to a halt at the other ends, they took off one more time, and this time, Sir Andrew hits Hadrian on his torso but he still held on to his horse.

"Oh my"I mouthed squeezing Leo's shirt.

"Calm down, he'll be fine, I'm sure"Leo assures me.
It wasn't short-lived, Hadrian was back on his horse but this time one hand holding to his torso and the other on the mace. I silently said prayers, I have no idea why I feel I have a responsibility to Hadrian now.

The next move was bravely made by Hadrian as he knocks the supposed Sir Andrew off his horse.

Screams and cheers filled the arena, I couldn't hold the unknown joy in my heart as I leaped off my feet jumping and cheering.

"I have to go to him"Leo announces.

"I'll come with you," I say out of nowhere.

Leo nods and we both walked to Hadrian's tent where only he and the real, fake Sir Chad, Leo says he's a simpleton but has something to him.

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