The Final Frontier

Start from the beginning

"I'd tell you. But if I did I'd have to kill you." I say, patting my gun.

"Oh. It's like that eh. Alright go on." He finally lets us through.

I put my finger to my ear again. We see the captain as soon as we enter his office.

"Who are you people?"

"We work for the government. Secret Service. We're here to take a man, name of Cretela. Can we have him please?" I ask, manners for show.

"Where are you taking him?"

"He's coming to our secure facility to..." I pause ominously. "Answer a few questions."

When we finally make it back with Cretela he's put into the ship's holding cell while I gain entry to the Pheonix facility. Carlee and I make our way down the street to that familiar old abandoned house. She gives me a look of confusion before I unlock the door and step inside.

"Checking authorization." A computerized voice announces. It's a different voice. Happier, newer.

"Authorization verified. Proceed agent Wallace." The wall slides away revealing the same elevator. I shudder. The sooner I'm out of here the better.

As we go down Carlee asks how I knew about the facility. "How did you know about this facility?"

"I used to work here." I say. Like it's just that simple.

When we reach the bottom I immediately walk to the commander's office. I see a few old colleagues but pretend not to notice. The office slides open and an older man sits behind the desk. It's only been three years but it feels like forever.

"God are you still alive?"

"I could ask the same thing about you. It's a miracle you haven't gotten yourself killed. Especially after some of the things I've heard about you." Hammond is quick to respond.

"Alright look. I know it's been a while but I need a favor." I begin.

"I know. Percey sent me a request a couple hours ago. She didn't tell me you were coming though. I would've thought you'd be doing something more exciting. Why are you interrogating this Cretela guy anyway?"

"He's got some connection to an underground smuggling ring. We're trying to track 'em down." I lie. Hammond was almost too eager to know what we were doing with Cretela. And after what Thornton said about others being involved I couldn't be too careful.

"Well have at it. The Pit's all yours."

We bring Cretela in and learn -after no small amount of pain- that the seer is apparently on an island south of Japan. Totally uninhabited. Using a bit of advanced technology we picked up from Tokyo we verify that he isn't lying.

We're off again to find the Seer. Our goal: to end his attacks on our outposts and get to the bottom of our trouble with him.

The team spends the flight training vigorously. We have bo idea what we're going to face, advanced technology, an army, superpowers. We just don't know.

When we actually do land it's in the middle of a forest. Sara and Dustin stay on the plane and Carlee, Geoffrey , Kendra and I venture out into the darkness. At two a.m. we make it to the target location. A small mansion in a clearing.

We see no one but there is a light on in one bedroom. A shadow on the wall tells me that a man in a wheelchair is being taken out. Soon that light goes off and another comes on.

"We have two people in the house. One in a wheelchair." I report. Carlee looks through the binoculars and sees the same thing. Another room is lit.

We move towards the house. The back door slides open and shut without a sound. We make our way stealthily upstairs where the bedroom light was originally. Finding nothing we move to the light that is on.

Carlee is pinned to a wall. The assailant has her throat and she can't fight back. Geoffrey  notices and yanks the guy away slamming him to the ground. They tussle for a minute before Geoffrey wins. The man is unconcious.

We run into the lit room. The man in the wheelchair sits calmly. He snaps his fingers. The door slams closed, The window shades drop, A voice begins counting down from 300, and  a computer panel pops up out of the floor. The man wheels over to it.

"Are you the Seer?" I ask. My gun pointed at the ground but still ready.

"I am. Oh put your gun away. You have five minutes until the room fills with neurotoxin. The only way to stop it is to input the security code. I am the only person here who knows it. Killing me would be pointless." The Seer explains.

"So what do you want with us? Who are we? Where did we come from? Prove you really can see the future." I demand.

"You are Agent Oliver Wallace. Pheonix. I want your head. More specifically your brain. I want to know everything about you. Especially about your relationship with your brother."

"What if I told you you couldn't have it?"

"Then we will all die."

" Well you can't." I say. Hitting him with a tranquilizer dart.

"Now what?" Carlee asks.

"Now I get us out of here." The door and windows don't move. Geoffrey's grenades do nothing. I look at the computer panel. A lot of data flows across the screen. 100 seconds left. I finally find the window where the code is entered. Below the box it reads, 'not to be touched by any other than Mr.S, attepts remaining:1, self destruct at 0 attempts.'

I touch the keyboard and the data becomes clear in my head. I think about hacking the system. The code is put in. 'Correct'.

I feel the floor beneath me fall away and a glass panel slides over the top. The voice comes back, "nerotoxin in thirty seconds."

I don't have much time. I send a message to the team. "We'll meet again. Good luck." Carlee puts her hand to the glass and I put mine on the other side. I smile at her and as the neurotoxin starts I shut down.

Carlee returns to base with the remaining team and the Seer is awarded the death penalty. I am pronounced dead and a service is held. Technically I'm not dead. I escaped the effects of the neurotoxin by shutting down. But that's a moot point.

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