Good Talk

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I push past Geoffrey and Sara and walk towards The Cage, a large holding cell that even Thor couldn't break through. Inside was the girl. Short, tan, wild hair. She was a brown haired girl with brown eyes that seemed to darken when she was upset and light up like twin suns when she wasn't. Now they were veritable black holes.

"How're you feeling?" I ask, building up to a cynical opener. "I trust they didn't treat you too harshly, after all you've been through you could use some rest and a bandage. Oh that's me. Sorry."

"What do you want?" She asks casually. No change in her expression.

"I want my father back!" I yell with a semblance of a Spaniard's accent. She looks confused. "Princess Bride? Inigo Montoya? No? Oh well, I thought it was funny."

She repeats herself. "What do you want?"

"A couple of fingers would be nice." I say waving my hand about. "Or an explanation. Maybe some information. That'd cover it. Where's Kara?"

"I wouldn't tell you that even if I knew." Before I can ask she anticipates my next question. "She hires and sets up a contract. At another meeting point she pays. The location isn't set up until 12 hours before the exchange."

"So when will you know?" I ask, the interrogation is going better than I had planned.

"Anytime I can check my computer." She answers.

"What do I check and where is it?"

"My laptop recieves private communications from Kara when we meet. It should be there. You confiscated my backpack though so look in that."

"How do I get in?" I ask. She's being very cooperative, I like it.

"It reads my thumbprint. You need me to get in." She answers. So there's the catch, I think to myself.

"Fine but as soon as that's done hand it back and I wont shoot you."

I get her laptop and bring it to her. When she gets it she says, "I have something important to tell you. But I forgot what."

"You forgot?" I ask skeptically. "People don't just forget things like that so what is it?"

"I really forgot. Oh, there's also a password on the computer, let me write it down for you." I hand her a peice of paper and, without looking, she writes something down on it. Something much longer than a password.

When she hands it back I read it silently.

     I'm being forced to cooperate with Kara. There's a lens in my eye that shows her what I see. If I dont do what she tells me she'll kill me. Help.

I think for a second before looking at the computer and entering the password she wrote at the bottom of the page, the girl doesn't look at me.

I see a message on screen from Kara, the Kopylow Hotel, Paris. Eighteenth floor, room B9.

"Let's go to Paris." I get up and walk away from her wthout looking back.

SecretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora