The Kansas Boarder

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We board the plane. The bay doors open down into a ramp. Six jet engines, two,on front, back, and middle, propel the plane silently over the land. Dustin immediately runs to the hololounge where he flicks on the the photomorphing holographic image table. Or P.H.I.T.

"You'll have time to play with the new toys later. Get us up." I order stiffly, buisiness as usual.

"Yes sir." He runs off.

Carlee walks in last, a way behind the others, and stops next to me. I pull up the ramp, ready to dust off. "I've been filled in on the situation Captain." She says, addressing me by my title. I'd forgotten i have one. "Are you sure you know what you're doing? Ive also read your file. 'Swift but steady... Occasionally acts hastily.' Are the Commander's own words. If this girl is as dangerous as I understand are you sure you can handle her?"

"No one ever said I was going in alone. Ill have you guys to back me up. We're certainly not taking prisoners on this op though. At least not her. She's also the only one we have kill clearance on. Not unusual for people who kill agents." I clarify. Adding, "But she's mine."

I feel the plane lift off. Perfectly steady and balanced. I make a note to congratulate Dustin on his piloting.

"All right. I'll trust you on this one Cap. Just remember that I just met you and I don't like losing new people." Carlee warns me with a sly smile.

I walk away to the training area where I hope to find Percey and Geoffrey. As I enter There's a yelp and Percey has Geoffrey pinned to te ground, arms behind his back, and sitting on his legs. "You win!" He cries, "let go of me!"

I stand and laugh at him. This guy is supposed to be a demoman and he's just been pinned by a sniper. "What are you gonna do now?" I tease. He looks at me like im some kimd of devil and tries not to laugh. I het right down in his face, like I'm about to say something important. Then I tackle her, Percey lets go of him and tries to derail my suprise attack. Soon enough I have her pinned, my suit is undamaged.

"No fair! You ganged up on me!" She complains. Giggling.

I let her up. "Thanks. I could've been there forever." Geoffrey says gratefully.

"You guys training already, or did he say something rude?"

"He just argued with me. I said that SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC was spelled,

'S U P E R C A L I F R A G I L I S T I C' and he said it was

'S U P A R C A L A F R A G Y L I S T I C' so I corrected him but he didn't believe me. So I tackled him." Percey explains.

"So what've you learned?" I ask him.


'S U P E R C A L I F R A G I L I S T I C'. Not........... the other thing." He answers, downtrodden.

"And what aren't you going to do again?"

"Argue with Percey."

"Good. Now have either of you checked the armory yet? There should a few surprises waiting for you." I say, tantalizingly.

They run off to go look and Sara steps out of the corner. I noticed her when I walked in but I wasn't going to tell her that. She's about to strike up a conversation when the speakers come to life, "Sir, you should really see this."


We make our way to the cockpit, Sara and I locate Geoffrey and Percey but leave them in the armory. Carlee is in the command center with Dilan.

"What is it Dustin?" Sara asks. They obviously know each other.


Out the window we see two other aircraft, presumably there are two more in our rear blind spot. They have red skull insignias with no other markings and are obviously one man fighter jets. We're hailed by one of them. He tells us to land exactly 3 kilometers due east.

"How's he expect us to do that?" Dustin is incredulous.

"Why so incredulous Dustin?" I wonder.

He points out the window and motions down. All there is is blue. "We're not in kansas anymore."

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